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  1. Discount prices for offer products will automatically display on product pages, category pages and during checkout.
  2. Our sales offers are valid from 20.12.24 until 23:59 UK time on 21.01.25
  3. Offers apply to selected lines only (full list here) and excludes all other lines and delivery, and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or customer special rates.
  4. This offer is valid for customers within the UK only and can be redeemed online and via our call centre and stores within the valid time period (please click here for opening times of our stores, please see here for our Contact Centre opening times.)
  5. Prices quoted are cash prices and exclusive of VAT. Products, prices and information correct at the time of promotion, available for a limited time only and subject to availability.
  6. Cookson Precious Metals reserves the right to change prices.
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