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How to Use cooksongold.com RSS Feeds

Why Subscribe to cooksongold.com RSS feeds?

RSS feeds help you save time & money. Giving you a quick and easy way to access our latest product deals & latest metal prices through direct links. cooksongold.com feeds are FREE, so you can subscribe to as many RSS feeds as you like.

What is RSS?

RSS is basically a web feed that publishers can feature updated content on in an XML-format. If you have RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, they will allow you to receive automatically a summary of your favourite website content or current events that you have selected. This will save you reading through pages and pages of websites manually.

How to Use RSS?

All you need to do is look out for the RSS icon on websites - this indicates that the website has RSS feeds available.

You will then see the RSS content categories that you could feature in your RSS feed. However, you will need to select an RSS reader which will allow RSS feeds to be read. RSS readers can come in the form of downloadable programs or even web browsers. There are many free RSS readers available but may require you to register first. Here's just a taster of what you could use:

Popular RSS Readers

Bloglines FeedDemon Google Reader MSN Start My Yahoo News Gator

Once you have set up an RSS Reader, you will then be able to select which RSS feeds you wish to subscribe to. Then you can check your feed regularly to see the updated content.

RSS Feeds on www.cooksongold.com

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