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Our Carbon Footprint

We recognise the impact and significance our business holds within the precious metal processing industry. Learn more about our carbon footprint and what actions we are working towards to reduce our carbon usage.

Image of sunlight trees from underneath

Our commitment to the environment

At Cooksongold, we understand that several of our business processes create greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. These range from transportation used when bringing in goods from suppliers and manufacturing precious metal lines.

We are committed to the protection of the environment and recognise that we must reduce our emissions and energy consumption where we can.

From our 2022 report, it's clear our strategic priority of working towards providing a complete range of gold and silver bullion products in 100% recycled metals, has had a significant impact on reducing our carbon emissions.

We have also continued to review our entire supply chain and processes to assess where we can minimise emissions where possible. To measure our footprint, we have looked at the following areas outlined below. This data then enables us to highlight where we can have the greatest impact to reduce emissions.

Carbon Emissions **


2021 Kg CO2e

2022 Kg CO2e

Scope 1. Combustion of gas and fuel for production, transport and refrigeration (air conditioning and cooling units)* 203,903.10 172,698.62
Scope 2. Use of electricity supplied within production facilities and other departments.* 479,612.61 362,033.10
Scope 3. Water supply and treatment, business travel, waste disposal, material usage, and shipping goods.* 24,187,248.99 2,027,556.61

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Tel: 0345 100 1122 or 0121 200 2120 Fax: 0121 212 6456