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0345 100 1122


Artistic Wire

56 products

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Artistic Wire from Cooksongold

You can form artistic wire easily into jewellery components such as chainmail, beaded chain, jump rings, gemstone settings and more. But there’s some important things to consider when using artistic wire in your jewellery design. When choosing jewellery wire for your jewellery project you must think of style, durability and resistance. Artistic wire has an exclusive enamel coating that is engineered to resist tarnishing, chipping and peeling. It will also stand up to coiling, spiral making, twisting, wrapping and other wire working techniques.

To get the most out of artistic wire you must choose a product that will stand up to the wear and tear that can be expected of the finished jewellery piece. Plus, it’s important you choose the right colour and size to really make your finished piece look great.

If you’re still unsure which artistic wire product would work best to suit you and your current jewellery making project, then simply get in touch on 0345 100 1122. One of our jewellery experts will be more than happy to help.
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