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0345 100 1122


Silver Grain and Casting Pieces

5 products

Please note all prices listed are based on cash prices and are exclusive of VAT. Prices for precious metal products are an estimate only and can vary slightly depending upon the metal price, the actual weight and the cutting tolerances which we are able to achieve. Bullion prices are based on 10gm.

Buy Silver Grain from Cooksongold

As one of the UK’s leading suppliers of precious metal products, here at Cooksongold we pride ourselves on ensuring that the bullion you purchase from us, is only of the highest quality. With this in mind we make an effort to ensure that our range of silver grain, as well as our sheet, wire, solder and so on, will help you achieve only the best results in your jewellery making.


Made from 100% recycled silver the range of silver grain allows for consistent and reliable results through the casting process. Molten standard and cadmium free, our grain is ready to melt, the ideal option for the jewellery maker who needs quick, reliable results.


Quality Casting Silver Grain available to Buy in Bulk

As with all of our bullion products, our aim is to ensure that you, the jewellery maker, have everything you need to create the best quality finished pieces and our easy ordering system helps you do just that. Order to your exact requirements, ensuring minimal waste and for those in need of a larger order, our multi buy discounts may prove quite useful!


For more information on our silver grain, our other bullion products or for help with placing your order then please contact our expert team of advisors on 0345 100 1122, they’re here to help you get what you need, as easily as possible

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© 2024 Cookson Precious Metals Ltd. VAT Registration No. GB161 8062 21. Registered in England no. 2775187. Registered Office: 59-83 Vittoria Street, Birmingham, B1 3NZ
Tel: 0345 100 1122 or 0121 200 2120 Fax: 0121 212 6456