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0345 100 1122


Moonstone Gemstones

11 products

Please note all prices listed are based on cash prices and are exclusive of VAT. Prices for precious metal products are an estimate only and can vary slightly depending upon the metal price, the actual weight and the cutting tolerances which we are able to achieve. Bullion prices are based on 10gm.

Moonstones for Delicate Jewellery Designs

Moonstone gemstones are a member of the feldspar family, generally occurring in a milky white colour with a shimmering ‘blue sheen’ effect known as adularescence. This is caused by the interference of light refracting and scattering from lamellar structures deep within the stone. This creates a unique radiance which seems to emanate from deep within the surface of the stone.


Moonstone is also an extremely well known celebratory stone, recognised as the birthstone for June and given as a gift on the thirteenth anniversary of a marriage union. More famously, the moonstone was used obsessively in the early era of Art Nouveau jewellery in the early twentieth century by Rene Lalique, the Famous French Master-Goldsmith as well as many other jewellery makers of that time.


You can browse through our range of moonstone cuts which are available in cabochon shapes. Sizes range from 2.5mm to 8mm, suitable for moonstone jewellery such as earrings and bracelets. They are especially effective when paired with cubic zirconia or moissanite, as these work together to enhance the delicate beauty of the moonstone. 


Please note that, due to the nature of the stone, each cabochon may vary slightly. It is not advised to place moonstone in an ultrasonic, steam cleaner or chemical Moonstone cleaning solution. Simply clean the moonstone with warm, soapy water or an untreated cloth.


To find out more about using moonstone in your jewellery, speak to one of our expert advisors today on 0345 100 1122.

Metal prices
Mon 17 Jun 2024

Silver (AG)
742.039 KG

Gold (AU)
58.841 GM

Palladium (PD)
22.635 GM

Platinum (PT)
24.361 GM

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