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0345 100 1122


Miyuki Delica Seed Beads

42 products

Please note all prices listed are based on cash prices and are exclusive of VAT. Prices for precious metal products are an estimate only and can vary slightly depending upon the metal price, the actual weight and the cutting tolerances which we are able to achieve. Bullion prices are based on 10gm.

What are Miyuki beads?

Miyuki seed beads are tiny, cylindrical seed beads from Japan. Each Delica seed bead is delicately crafted, making them perfect for precision jewellery making. Using Miyuki seed beads in your work can transform a necklace or bracelet into a beautiful piece perfect for your latest collection. Miyuki seed beads are also great for loom and off-loom weaving projects. With many colours available – ranging from silvers to simple white or black seed beads – Miyuki Delica seed beads are as versatile as they are practical, making them a perfect choice for jewellers.

The smallest Miyuki Delica beads measure just 1.3mm in diameter. The line is just one of many beading lines produced by this eminent Japanese manufacturer. All Miyuki beads are manufactured to the highest standards, and the company is known by bead enthusiasts throughout the world for the quality and versatility of its seed bead products.

Found the perfect Miyuki Delica seed beads for your next project? Simply buy online, or continue browsing our full range of seed beads.

Metal prices
Thu 30 May 2024

Silver (AG)
797.016 KG

Gold (AU)
59.311 GM

Palladium (PD)
23.936 GM

Platinum (PT)
26.085 GM

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Tel: 0345 100 1122 or 0121 200 2120 Fax: 0121 212 6456