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Thread: Question about "must be sent by carrier" items

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    London, UK

    Default Question about "must be sent by carrier" items

    I'm planning on ordering the starter soldering kit but it says it has to be sent by carrier (I assume because of the pickling salts). We both work full-time so are out of the house 8am-6:30pm. What happens if no one's in to receive it? Some courier services are happy to leave packages at the shop I live above, but I assume that won't be the case with something containing hazardous chemicals?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalorlo View Post
    I'm planning on ordering the starter soldering kit but it says it has to be sent by carrier (I assume because of the pickling salts). We both work full-time so are out of the house 8am-6:30pm. What happens if no one's in to receive it? Some courier services are happy to leave packages at the shop I live above, but I assume that won't be the case with something containing hazardous chemicals?
    Hi Heather,
    Couldn't you get it sent to the shop or your/OH's work instead?? I guess they have to have it signed for. When they were delivering to me, I got a call when they were about half an hour away, to check we were in.

    Hope that helps?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    London, UK


    Hmm, I thought it said somewhere that you could only get things sent to your billing address?

    Yeah, in the T&C it says "We have to deliver to the cardholder at the address registered for the payment card. We cannot deliver to any other address and we cannot deliver to any third party. This helps protect you against fraud."

    I looked up the Hatton Garden trade counter too, but it's not open on Saturdays. I suppose it *might* be possible to get there on a weekday lunchtime, but I'd rather avoid the faff of doing that unless there's no other option.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalorlo View Post
    Hmm, I thought it said somewhere that you could only get things sent to your billing address?

    Yeah, in the T&C it says "We have to deliver to the cardholder at the address registered for the payment card. We cannot deliver to any other address and we cannot deliver to any third party. This helps protect you against fraud."

    I looked up the Hatton Garden trade counter too, but it's not open on Saturdays. I suppose it *might* be possible to get there on a weekday lunchtime, but I'd rather avoid the faff of doing that unless there's no other option.
    I'd give them a ring and see what they say. They 'might' be able to do something special for you - you never know unless you ask. Give it a go...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    South Coast


    I got my order (including the soldering kit) delivered to my partner's work address today, and there was no problem with it not being the same as the billing address. (Also shows how thoroughly I read the t&c, since I didn't even notice that clause!)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    London, UK


    Hmm, any word from a Cookies rep? It wouldn't really help me much to have it delivered to work, tbh (plus that's not exactly frowned on, but a bit awkward) as I'd still have to take it home on the tube at rush hour.

    Anyone know roughly what dimensions the whole thing comes as?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West London


    Hi heather,
    When my starter kit was sent i wasnt in to sign for it so the courier company (I think it was TNT) left a note then I was able to pick it up from their depot in the evening, I think they were open for pick ups until 9 or 10pm. This may be an option for you if you are not too far away?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Smile Soldering Kit

    Sorry for the delay in responding, we're a little short handed due to Snow!

    The soldering kit does have to be sent by a courier and because of the chemicals does require a signature.
    We use TNT to deliver our chemical items they will try to deliver, if you are not in they drop a card through the door and you can call them to re-arrange delivery.

    However you should be able to select an alternative delivery address on the
    2nd screen of the checkout, as long as you main address is the address your credit/debit card is registered with.

    If you need any further help just message me, or drop me a line -


    Adam Hunter
    E-Commerce Manager

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