Has anyone had good results with delft clay kits using hand torches?
I've got the Max flame torch - this one, and i've used DIY butane/propane torches before, although have had some alarming flaring (I once set fire to the 200 year old building's wall where my studio is, let us not speak of it).
Is this going to cut the mustard? 'proper' torches are not an option for me right now, and I may as well not open the package if I'm not going to have the oomph to do it. I've happily melted silver in charcoal before (and had a charcoal brick explode right next to my head = one burst eardrum, I'm accident prone) but don't know if the heat is sustainable enough for pouring.
I've got the square scorifiers and crucible tongs that cooksons sell.
All tips/help/advice appreciated.