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Thread: Dentist

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia

    Default Dentist

    Over the last week i have had a tooth issue culminating in today having the said tooth surgically removed don't believe what any body tells you
    Dentists are evil beings sent earth to test us

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Manchester UK


    lol but they do have nice rotary driils though !!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Oh dear I went through the same thing a couple of weeks ago. The tooth just did not want to come out, the dentist had to almost climb on top of me to get a grip on it! I now have to get an implant that's going to cost £2000! When I think of the jewellery equipment I could buy with that makes me want to cry

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by angmc View Post
    Oh dear I went through the same thing a couple of weeks ago. The tooth just did not want to come out, the dentist had to almost climb on top of me to get a grip on it! I now have to get an implant that's going to cost £2000! When I think of the jewellery equipment I could buy with that makes me want to cry
    You don't 'have' to get an implant - a bridge or denture will work just as well and cost a great deal less, especially if it's not in a particularly visible place.

    I'd add that all the dentists I know (including many members of my own family) are lovely people - it has to be one of the most maligned professions for all the wrong reasons

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Well actually I do have to have an implant. A bridge isn't possible as I have crowns either side and I've got a temp 1 tooth denture in at the moment and I can't eat or speak properly with it so definitely not a long term solution. The tooth was a top, side canine and very visible unfortunately.

    Actually my dentist is lovely too I just wasn't too keen on him 2 weeks ago when he was yanking my tooth out

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Not wanting to contradict any advice you've had, but crowns either side should provide the perfect basis for a bridge, which would involve crowning those teeth anyway. What a tiresome place to lose a tooth though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    I have to admit the surgeon who actually performed the extraction was very good, however the previous Dentist who attempted to do the work was incompetent and I was left in a worse situation than when he started,
    after a hour of floundering about he gave up and said he could not do it. and then had the gall to give me a bill

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by china View Post
    I have to admit the surgeon who actually performed the extraction was very good, however the previous Dentist who attempted to do the work was incompetent and I was left in a worse situation than when he started,
    after a hour of floundering about he gave up and said he could not do it. and then had the gall to give me a bill
    That sounds awful. Could you not contest the bill?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by mizgeorge View Post
    Not wanting to contradict any advice you've had, but crowns either side should provide the perfect basis for a bridge, which would involve crowning those teeth anyway. What a tiresome place to lose a tooth though.
    Well that's what I was told. Maybe the they're just not strong enough to support a bridge. I know, if it was any further back I'd probably just leave it.


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