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Thread: Auroflux liquid has gone chunky!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Default Auroflux liquid has gone chunky!

    Hi folks - Newbie here - my Auroflux has developed what look like pineapple chunks in the bottom of the bottle. Shaking doesn't break them down (although shaking them for longer might do) and the flux itself still seems to be working OK. Is it just degrading or is it time to replace?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    West Berkshire


    I think it's just the salts in it. Do you always keep the top on? I have some in a spray bottle and tiny grains gather at the bottom sometimes, I just pour off the good stuff, rinse the bottle then replace the Auflux.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    I have mine for years and I decant into a glass jar with a tight lid as I’ve known the bottle degrade and once I was so intent on soldering that I melted the plastic bottle:/ as Theresa said I would imagine it’s evaporating

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2020


    Hi there.. I havent used Auroflux before, how do I use it? I see here it says a little spray bottle, maybe not plastic? Also if not a spray bottle do I dip in the liquid with a designated brush for the job maybe? When it says hazardous, what precautions do I need to take? Thank you very much in advance, great forum.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    It's a liquid flux suitable for gold and silver, and can be dispensed onto a small surface such as a palette used for watercolours (ceramic preferred, though plastic will do).
    It can be applied with a brush. The advantage over borax, is that it does not expand or bubble much
    Precautions are:
    Don't lick it, and heat it in a ventilated area, as the fumes can be toxic. That said, most of us use it successfully, and don't get ill. Dennis

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2020


    Thank you. Very helpful

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by EvaZ View Post
    Hi there.. I havent used Auroflux before, how do I use it? I see here it says a little spray bottle, maybe not plastic? Also if not a spray bottle do I dip in the liquid with a designated brush for the job maybe? When it says hazardous, what precautions do I need to take? Thank you very much in advance, great forum.
    I pop a small amount into a tiny jam jar and have taken to picking up my solder with super pointy tweezers, dipping the solder into the Auflux and then positioning the solder where I want it. The action on putting the solder in place also distributes a drop of the Auflux that has collected in the tweezers into the soldering area. And for ring shanks and the like I just dip the whole thing in the Auflux. Much less waste than spraying and no need for a brush.


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