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Thread: Random Intro

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Default Random Intro

    Hi everyone!

    I'm Vawny, owner of Blonde Wolf Designs... name's all I got right now lol, but working on improving my skill level before I start producing anything I consider good enough to share with the world... except pictures. Happy to share pictures 😋

    I have completed a few wax carvings, the latest I'm pretty pleased with (for a carving novice) and am having it cast Friday. Still undecided whether my little dremel will be suitable for finishing the piece correctly or if I should have that done by the casting company... is that cheating? Anyway, I digress lol...

    Have had experience in other jobs; factory work, beauty therapy, tattoo shop skivy... even nursing... but my health pretty much interfered with them all. I 've always had a love for shiny and seem to spend too much time looking for items that simply dont exist. So I'm attempting to bring my, slightly odd perhaps, jewellery visions to life.

    Find soldering difficult but doable, same with sheet metal work as I have bilateral De Quervains Tenosynovitis and Fibromyalgia among others, but even despite the pain I've loved wax carving most of all.... My dominant hand/ wrist was swollen 2x the size the day following my foray into carving, but just enjoyed it so much I couldn't stop! Something else to work I guess.

    Cant think of anything else to say except I look forward to meeting to you all.

    Thanks for reading!

    -V xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Hi Vawny, i've got similiar issues (health interfers with my creative ability) but there's so many differant things you can do to make jewellery it's possible to find a niche that can work with your disability. If you're already doing wax carving, i reckon your stuff must be good enough to sell already .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2019


    Hi Sheen,

    Thank you for your kind comments. I wouldn't say I was good at wax carving lol, yet, but gotta start somewhere. I'll post some pictures when I have the pendant cast, then I can do before and after snaps 😊

    Sorry to hear your body hampers your creativity as well. I am hoping to have surgery for my Tenosynovitis at some point this year, so the recovery rest will drive me further insane (!) but should be better in the long run... if only they could treat this pesky fibro...!

    I'm so keen to keep carving, but I ran put of wax. Going to stock up at Bellore this Sat... I have to do research into different types, I used the Ferris blue for my sculptural pendant but maybe a different type might be better for my future endeavours...

    Best wishes

    - V xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Looking forward to seeing your work. I've never tried wax carving myself. Would be fun to try someday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Hi Vawny. welcome from me. Look forward to seeing your photos

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Hi Vawny, looking forward to seeing your work once it's back from the casters

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2019


    Ah thank you for all your replies. Wax carving is fun, you should def try it Sheen

    Will def share pics, thanks for the interest everyone. Hopefully it is worth showing lol xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    Hi Vawny

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2019


    Hi all,

    I thought I'd resurrect this thread to say another hello since I've been missing since Jan.

    After the loss of my father in Nov. of last year, I threw myself more into my jewellery making as it was something he wanted me to pursue (as it was my dream to do this, and he wanted me to be happy). Then Feb my first dog passed (from failure of the same organ as my Dad) and it was too much. I kind of gave up... Murphy (my dog) had seen me through a lot; he intuitively knew what I needed and was a huge emotional support for a short 11 years.

    Losing 2 out of 3 of my support network, I've been struggling to move forwards... I'm still not sure whether I've made real strides forwards or not tbh, but I'm back to the jewellery making after some months of giving it up, and I'm trying to do what makes me happy in life as is what both my Dad and Murphy wanted for me...

    I have another, re-carved Plumbus at the casters, and will be finishing it myself at home, hopefully over the weekend. I'm better with soldering too, and made a bit of a Frankenstein's monster chain (soldered some old chains together) and am starting to enjoy the process of making things again.

    I'm not sharing to illicit any sort of reaction from anyone here, just felt I wanted to tell you all so you know where I'm at. I struggle with consistency, so please don't take offense if I'm here loads one day and then no one hears from me for a couple of weeks. I am taking my jewellery seriously, just have to prioritise my health sometimes. Sorry if this is tmi... feels good to be back tho!! Peace out xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Hi Vawny,
    So sorry for everything you've been through. Welcome back to the forum
    I hope the jewellery making helps you get through all this. I find it a welcome escape from the day to day stresses.

    T x

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