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Thread: another question about buying gold

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default another question about buying gold

    Sorry if duplicate but I have looked into forum history before asking. I have a little project in mind and I need I think abt 3gr of 18ct gold. Looked cooksons sheet gold quite pricey. then I looked at same weight in casting grains 18ct yellow seems cheaper. Am I right to take that if I have grain gold I can melt it and roll into my own sheet ? sounds logical but wanted to see if I wont make pricey experiment here. thank you !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    Yes you can, you can also use scrap e.g. broken rings, unwanted jewellery, off cuts etc. I use this method all the time, remember to anneal the piece regularly or it will start to crack

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    thank you so much for quick reply! abt scrap my question is following: looking on ebay for some now... but when using scrap I am so afraid of solder contamination. To be honest ones I have used my own silver scraps on a pair of earrings and it was a nightmare quality metal at the end... Still looking silver when finished... but only I know what I have seen when soldering, heating.... so I try to be careful until I will learn it fully.... it's a new world for me.... So thank you on confirmation of my grain theory will try this way ! TX !


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