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Thread: What do I need????

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    In the 'New To Jewellery - First Timers Forum' there is a thread about what beginners tools to get. (Sorry not sure how to add the link)

    And somewhere on here (I can't find it right now) there is a thread about all of the books - the 'pro's' have found useful.

    This is how I have started and I have found that you really do need to focus and decide what aspect of jewellery making you want to do and then stick with it for a while otherwise it gets expensive and confusing!!

    P.s Reading the stuff on here has been a huge resource and the people not only very helpful but very friendly too.
    Michelle x

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    This is one of the threads with book recommendations on -
    When you want to link to a thread Michelle - first find the thread!! - then I just copy and paste the url from the address bar into the post you are writing...the clever bit of software then turns it into a lovely blue link!! (If you can find the thread in the 'listings' then you can just right click on the title of the thread - select copy link location from the dropdown menu and then right click and paste onto your post.) If you want to just include one particular post by someone right click on the permalink number on the blue bar above the post you want to link to and 'copy link location' from the drop down menu...then click and paste onto your message box....again it will magically turn into a link when you preview your post or actually post it. Well - that 's how I do it anyway - and it seems to work!!
    Last edited by Solunar Silver Studio; 21-11-2009 at 06:56 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Thanks Barbara.

    I was just about to add the link to the other thread I mentioned in beginners tools but I must have been typing the same time as Tigerlilly before because I see she has added the link.
    Michelle x

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by shelliem View Post
    Thanks Barbara.

    I was just about to add the link to the other thread I mentioned in beginners tools but I must have been typing the same time as Tigerlilly before because I see she has added the link.
    Great minds hey Michelle xx

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default getting started

    I did attend a jewellery class and learnt alot so I do think its a good way to go and if its not for you then it isn't too much money wasted. I went to a place in Banbury called the 'Mill Arts Centre and it cost about £7.00 per lesson (2 hours) and it went on for 10 weeks. I did actually go for about 6 terms but I am so glad I did.

    There are some good books out there but I prefer being shown in person I think you learn better.

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