I have been asked to make a ring like the cheap Xmas cracker type the lady had bought before because she liked the style. The original was brass or similar and had been cast. The item consisted of four rings soldered at the back with the front slightly happy, and four 5mm c.z's and four 2mm c.z's randomly placed. Stupidly I agreed to give it a bash and the rings soldered together and the bezels done and soldered on. Pickled it, and set some of the stones in, then decided to tumble the ring to clean it up before setting the rest. Three of the empty bezels came off, so put thermogel on the stones and soldered the bezels back on. The stones went cloudy even tho they were top quality ones, so not sure whether to give up or try to take the stones out and replace which I am not sure how to do. Ideas on a postcard please. Don't like to be beaten, but on this occasion I think I may be.