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There are just a few books on Setting that I would recommend.
1. The Technology of Setting by P.A. Grether Professor at the College of Applied Arts La Chain-de-Fonds 1984 by Editions Scriptar SA, Lausanne, Switzeland English ver. Printed in Switzerland. ISBN 2-88012-O45-4
2. Channel Setting Diamonds by Robert R. Wooding. Pub. Dry Ridge Co. PO Box 18814 Erlanger, Kentucky 41018. ISBN: 0-9613545-3-4
3. Bead Setting Diamond As above ISBN: 0-9613545-3-4
From my own experience the skill has been greatly compromised by the commercialisation of the trade. Grains are raised and cover in my opinion far too much of the stone. I worked in the West End at the top end of the market and thank my skills to a tutor at Sir John Cass London Aldgate East. Bob Riche. He may be still there.
It is a few years back . 1974 to be more exact. Apply for a part time course would do you the best taking along your own work so that it might be discussed.
I wish you good health and remember Emeralds just love high carat gold. They hate chips ...