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Thread: Don't make me angry now

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK

    Angry Don't make me angry now

    This is an example of how to lose a customer when a little bit of give and take could have saved the day.

    Today I went to a jewellery tools supplier in the Jewellery Quarter. It wasn't Cooksons - I don't seem to think about them for tools, I only buy bullion and ring blanks off them, it could be something to do with the fact that the trade counter is too small and you have to shout through a plate glass window to make yourself heard which can be difficult when 2 other people are doing the same thing as well, or the fact that the other tool suppliers have nice showrooms with products on display who knows, but, I digress.

    I have a 60 day credit account with this other supplier who shall be nameless but if you would like a cryptic clue you wouldn't be far wrong by thinking of two of your auntie's children.

    On numerous occasions I have been in and suffered the humiliation when going in there of being told that my account was on stop and that I would have to clear the account before I could have any more goods. Before you get the wrong idea, we are good, regular payers - we may stray out of the 60 day limit occasionally according to them but none the less I wish all my customers were as reliable as us.

    I've put up with this in the past and walked out with my tail between my legs empty handed, scuttled back to base, grabbed a check, gone back in and then you have to wait for it to clear before you can have your goods so I always then head over to Walshes, (who are always pleased to see me and know my name!) to get what I can. Walshes don't stock some of the items I use that's why I have to go to my aunties children.

    Today I thought forewarned is forearmed and checked the account before I left - last invoice 32 days old - no worries. I got to the supplier, placed my order, they fulfilled it and checked the account. "Oh, you're on cash account now, you're overdue", "No I'm not", I said, "I checked".

    "Yes you are, 7th August was the last invoice outstanding and they are waiting for a payment to clear it - you're outside your 60 days and you'll have to pay by credit card"

    "That's only about 32 days", I said

    "That's what the head office is telling us - you can ring the accounts if you like", he said.

    "I'm not ringing her, I can't be ar*ed - I'll go to your competitors instead", I said.

    I can't blame the counter staff they are only working to instructions, but I would like to see the head office accounts manager fired!

    Obviously this version of events is a little condensed but the upshot is that I was a little bit peeved, and bear in mind I am probably one of the most laid back people you could ever wish to meet, my ex-wife used to say that if I was any further laid back I would be asleep!

    When I got back to the office I told my accounts dept. to speak to their accounts dept and she had permission to tell them what she thought of them and when she has finished I want them to close the account. ( She enjoyed herself with that call, for some reason she was in a bad mood and they provided an avenue for her rage

    I don't know if there is a moral to this story, I just wanted to share my day

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK


    On another note - and this is in no way sucking up because I just don't do that - Cooksons trade counter, although hideously small, does provide an excellent, speedy service now (didn't used to!) so all credit to the staff and management behind that nasty thick security glass. (That they obviously do need for protection, dealing with precious metals and all.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Rye Foreign, East Sussex


    Sorry to hear you ahd such an awful time in the suppliers - happens in all trades - our longest established supplier has become a pain in the neck lately!

    hope it didnt dampen your spirits too much
    Su' xx

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Oh that's a shame. Those relatives seemed really friendly in the shop. Just goes to show .....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK


    Those relatives seemed really friendly in the shop.
    Oh yes they are, it wasn't their fault - head office writes the rules. I think they should be able to give them some discretionary powers in the shop though when something isn't right.

    Still, it all ended well, I bought the same stuff in Walshes for £30 less so they did me a favour really.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    South Wales


    I've only been to the Jewellery Quarter once and was looking forward to a visit to Cooksons, what a disappointment, I thought it would be brilliant to see the tools rather than a picture on a website, but all there was was the window and a catalogue!

    I did manage to get my acid from your previous "family" supplier, but they were very slow and didn't seem to know much about the stock.
    (although I quite like Sunny!)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK


    what a disappointment, I thought it would be brilliant to see the tools rather than a picture on a website, but all there was was the window and a catalogue!
    They used to have a bigger trade counter next door but Suttons Tools took it over when they had problems with their old building and had to relocate.

    I suppose if they had a fancy showroom they would be competing with the neighbours - I don't know if there is a tie in somewhere with Suttons.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    That's quite sad really, I wish places like that would remember that they exist because of the customers, and customers will go elsewhere if treated badly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I've recently had a dreadful telephone experience with the same relations

    And yes, it does put you off using suppliers when they are unhelpful/incompetent or just plain rude.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Milton Keynes and London


    And they just lost all of us as potential customers too.
    I think you should name and shame 'em!
    Have to admit I buy from other suppliers in Hatton Garden too as I like to wander and look at things first. Can't keep asking I'd like to see this, oh no maybe this, well actually maybe that one...

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