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Thread: Chit chat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon

    Default Chit chat

    There doesn't seem to be many people writing on the forum lately. Come on otherwise Cookies will shut us down.
    I will start by telling you what I have been doing for the last six weeks. Packing and then moving house, then unpacking and trying to find room for everything in a smaller house. Hubby and I decided to downsize as we don't entertain as much as we did, several good, cheapish hotels in Exeter now so more flexible accommodation especially as they normally end up sharing a bed with two border terriers (luckily the labrador hasn't sussed this trick out yet).
    Well setting up the spare bedroom as a hobby room, hubby into computers etc, and of course mine is making and selling silver, and gold if I can afford to buy the metal to make jewellery. Made my bench, got a length of 25mm ply and two cupboards with five drawers each, a big batton screwed onto the wall and the ply screwed onto it, and onto the drawers units,. result -. solid.
    Cut-out made and then altered twice to get right shape. GRS attached so ready to get cracking again, when all the other things have been done that is.
    Last edited by Patstone; 02-07-2016 at 08:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I read the forum every day Pat, but lately there is nothing that interests me or that I feel like commenting on. I do read and comment a lot on Facebook groups though. I am an old school trade trained goldsmith and I don't know much about or even care about modern manufacturing methods, The age of computers with 3D printing is killing the trade as I knew it. I am glad to have been working at my trade during a period when quality of work was appreciated and most items were made from sheet and wires by skilled hands. At the ripe old age of 70 I do less and less in my workshop these days, but I do enjoy giving advice on traditional manufacture when I can and if anyone asks.


    James Miller FIPG ( Fellow of the Institute of Professional Goldsmiths, Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and Freeman of the City of London.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    A little less of the ripe old age of 70. I will reach that age in 6 months. My mum, who we have just bought another new laptop for says that the old one is too slow and she is 98, December she will be 99. I often get texts from her telling me that she has sent me an email and why havent I answered it. So we are in our teenage years still. There are a lot of people that use computers to entertain themselves, mum is obviously one of them, but she looks after my step dad who is ten years younger and also a three bed bungalow, so quite a busy girl. My interest in jewellery making only started as a hobby 7 years ago, out of bravado really when I lost my eye. It is still a hobby, but I often sit with a pencil and paper and design. I won't make two things exactly the same, although I do sometimes see a design that I like and alter it a bit, so not to copy. Most of our (my daughter makes too, also as a hobby) items are made from silver sheet and wire, really the only things we buy is stones, sheet, wire and thin chain. Otherwise you are not making properly, just putting together components. I do have a web page but as yet only seem to sell at craft fairs locally. All the old familiar faces seem to have gone from here, just a few of us remain, keep up the good work James we would be lost without your help and comments.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I also read every day, and comment where appropriate.

    I don't feel the need (or have the time) to chat much on forums, I'm not on facebook, twitter or other social media, and I'm not interested in them - I love the forum format that allows for proper question/answer and problem/solution threads, and can provide such a wealth of technical expertise - especially from people for whom I have a huge amount of respect.

    Sadly, the instant gratification offered by facebook has dramatically affected forum use across almost all subjects, especially because of the move to mobile devices and the ease of uploading pictures. It's much easier to just 'like' something rather than taking the time to comment or ask a question about it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I have one of my old jobs coming in later this month, for a clean up. I made it 15 years ago. My old customer also wanted a new replacement insurance valuation, which I have done and am quite surprised that the cost for replacing is 4 times what I charged for it back in 2001.

    This was the piece,

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	099aa- Table centre with RC.bowls set 8.jpg 
Views:	19 
Size:	52.1 KB 
ID:	9071 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	099a- Table centre with RC.bowls set 8.jpg 
Views:	17 
Size:	47.4 KB 
ID:	9070

    Last edited by Goldsmith; 03-07-2016 at 02:58 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    I read the forums each as well, I only comment if I think I have something to add, although jewellery is basically a paid hobby for me I agree about 3D printers my trade as a Cabinet maker is suffering a similar fate and George I am relieved to find another person in world who is not on facebook, twitter etc.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    I read it every day but only comment when I have something to add. I would imagine there should still be a need to learn all the basic bench skills before going on to all the new technology. FB is just a lazy way to keep in touch, pressing like means absolutely nothing when a phone all or something would mean so much more. It would be nice to actually have a conversation with somebody now instead of being sent a message which when you reply doesn't get answered

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    I am not on Facebook, Twitter or the like. I do look at Facebook sometimes but only to see what Andrew Berry has been doing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I'm often away from here when I'm utterly shattered (small boy is going through Interesting Times at the moment, so that is often). Aside from that, I'm finally (touch wood) seeing the end of a very protracted quiet period work-wise, and aside from commissions, am working on some new pieces for my first photo shoot in years in a couple of weeks. Quite excited, as working with people I really like, but also nervous as is a fair bit of coordinating. In other news, the hike in metal prices has made me a bit blue, I am planning my very first tattoo, and I've just finally bought a safe for my studio.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    I read the forum as much as I can, its so full of useful advice it would take a lifetime to take advantage of it all - its a wonderful glory hole! I'm afraid my contributions to it are pretty well limited to rookie questions, so I am one of those who takes out more than I put in - but who knows, maybe one day I will know enough to give advice too! I hope you have settled in to your new home Pat, I'm having a bit of work done in the spare bedroom (my jewellery making room) this week, so hopefully I may be a bit more organised once I have a place for everything! But its such a nuisance when not able to get on with tinkering away in there, so frustrating. I hope people don't stop using the forum - its worth its weight in gold, and I love to see what all the familiar names have to say, and what they've made, especially when they are as stunninng as James' pieces, so I don't want any of them to go away. Perhaps there's not much going on at the moment because its coming on for peak holiday time and people are away or busy doing fairs etc? Thanks to you all for all your wonderful advice and help.


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