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Thread: Workshop/Studio

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Workshop/Studio

    Hi everyone, I'm back with another question, I hope thats ok...

    I'm hoping, one day, to start selling the jewellery I make, so I've been thinking it over and I've hit a bit of a stumbling block. I'll be moving to a new area next year ( an area that I don't know very well) and I'll be renting, most tenancy agreements say that you can't run a business from the house, so it looks like I'll be needing to find a small workshop space to work from. I've had a bit of a look and all I can find in the area are warehouses (even the small ones are way bigger than I'd need) and garages with no power (so not much use).

    So for those of you who don't work from a home studio, how did you find your workshop? Any tips/ideas would be so helpful. Also, if it isn't too nosy, roughly how much does it cost you? At least then I can start saving up so when I do find somewhere I should be able to afford it

    Sorry if this seems like a bit of a daft question

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016



    I'm from Canada, but we have such thing as "workbench rent" here in Toronto. You juts rent a workspace with all of he tools and pay monthly. You might want to check that out in your area.

    Thank you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    A shared workspace would be the cheapest. In London there are several jewellery communities. Colleges and supply showrooms have free noticeboards and of course there are forums. Dennis.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Hello! (sorry so late to reply, I've not been on much in the last couple of weeks)
    I rent privately, and have always rented a separate work space. I've had 3, all of them artist studios, ranging in price from £60 to £135 per month. Facebook is good for finding them, as is googling for local artist studio space. Factors to consider:
    Insurance (I use, Access (usually 24 hour with keys), benefits for me is I don't share my space, once I lock the door to my studio no-one else can use it, kitchen, access to running water, loos, a separate business address and so on. They generally have a good community. I've been in my current space for nearly 4 years, and love it. Studio holders have regular markets and open studio events. We've just had a pizza place and bar open up for the summer in the garden, so I fear it may prove expensive though!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Hello again,

    Thanks to everyone for replying, sorry I haven't been on in ages, family crisis kept me away from the computer, thankfully it's all calmed down now :-)

    I don't think there are any shared work spaces in my area, I'll keep looking though, although I prefer the idea of my own room that can be locked up. Lydia, what you're describing sounds fab! Hopefully I'll be able to find somewhere like that :-)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Northeast UK


    Not sure which area you live in, but the website has several current adverts for studio space available to rent that might be worthing browsing?

    Also, does your tenancy agreement prevent you from having a large shed out the back or in the garden? I have turned my garage into a workshop, but I also know people who have knocked up largeish secure metal sheds in their back yards, gardens etc that serve them well once they run power to them.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Hi Nick, I'll be moving to a small town in Lincolnshire, so I'm not sure if anywhere there will advertise on benchpeg, but it's worth a look :-)

    Workspace isn't so much the problem as not being allowed to run a business from a rented place, something to do with Landlords insurance I think. Hopefully when I actually move and get chatting to people there then something might come up :-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Manchester UK


    Can you set up under one of these company's that provide a business address phone number mail service etc ? I'm not sure how it works and how you would sort insurance tenancy agreements etc etc, but the company wouldn't be registered at home then ?

    Google "business address and mail service"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by TamD View Post
    something to do with Landlords insurance I think.
    The structure or buildings part of most landlords' policies will typically not permit a business to be run from the property. Also, if your landlord doesn't own the property outright but is still paying a mortgage, the mortgage lender may forbid (certain types of) business use under the terms of the loan.

    You could at least have a word with your landlord. If he or she owns the property outright then you may have a slightly higher chance of him or her agreeing to you running a business from there, assuming s/he has no objection to mobile gas tanks and naked flames potentially bringing the house down. There's still the question of insurance, though; however obliging your landlord is, it may be impossible to obtain cover under the circumstances.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Thanks Josef, I did look at that a while back, but to be honest, I'd still actually be working from home doing it that way, and I don't want to mess things up for the landlord.

    Hi Aurarius, Those were my concerns too, it's one thing learning and practicing at home as at the moment a little butane torch is doing what I need it to (and even than I'm very careful), but to set up in business I'm really going to need to find a proper studio. I can get one where we are living now (just looking into the costs today), but after we move it will be more difficult. Still I'm sure something will crop up :-)

    Thanks to everyone for your help :-)


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