I've always used national geographic rock tumbler with round steel shot to polish my jewellery (cheap and effective) but as I'm now making larger pieces like bangles, I thought I'd invest in a barrel type tumbler as I can't get the bangels into the rock tumbler as the opening is too small.
So I bought one of these: and it's just gone and ruined all my rings. What have I done wrong?
Here's a shot of two rings - one with an oxidised finish (polished back to just leave the patina in the sunken areas) and the other that's just come out of the tumbler - I put it in to remove tarnish and shine it up. It had a smooth surface when it went into the tumbler and now the surface is matted and pitted and covered in vaseline and so not very shiny at all.
I followed the instructions and put vaseline on the seal etc to seal the water in, buit looks like this has got all over the jewellery and affected the polishing process. The rubber barrel has two metal ridges within it and I think these are causing the scratches and pits in the silver surface. I've used the same shot in my rock tumbler with my rings and they always come out polished and shiny.
It must be the metal ridges within the barrel causing the scratching - I'm so annoyed as I'm now going to have to get the micromesh out and do 9 grades of micromeshing on 14 rings to get them back to the beautifully smooth state they were in before going into this tumbler.
I'm not sure I can return this item now either that I've used it, but I'm really not happy with the results and would really like a refund.
Am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
Or shall I just get on the phone to CooksonGold and request a refund.