As with all the assay offices, different metals need to go on different hallnotes, and therefore will be each charged minimum charges and all offices charge on the number of hallnotes as well as their contents. There is really no way round that I'm afraid. Of course, as previously mentioned, you can put both hallnotes in the one package when you send it in, so only incurring one postage charge.

Our all-in charge for one or two items is £12.00, one of the most competitive fees of all the offices.

Quote Originally Posted by BarryM View Post
I recently sent off a packet to London that had 12 silver items and 1 gold item - hence two hall notes. I was a bit disappointed to be charged the 1-2 item charge for the gold even though it was part of a package of 13 items in total. The gold ring cost nearly £15 to be assayed and hallmarked (over 10% of the cost of the item)

It is not really surprising that at these rates hobby jewellers like myself who make few items and (in my case) never build up enough items in gold to make a sensible package, avoid making in anything but silver.

Does Steve have any suggestions to reduce the unit cost in this scenario??