Transferring an Image to metal.
I have done a bit of etching where you use etch resist paper to transfer a laser printed image onto sliver - "Print-n-Peel" and then place in etch solution to erode away the exposed silver.
After a bit of research I have found that if you use photograph printing paper it works just as well. Apart from etching I have used this method to transfer an image onto silver sheet.
The basic process is:-
1. Get a black and white image you want to use from the internet or a scanned photo.
2. Use software to reverse the image - that is to get a mirror image (flip horizontal in Microsoft Paint)
3, Print onto shiny photographic paper using a laser printer
4. Clean the silver with wire wool and place the paper face down onto the silver sheet.
5. Place a sheet of newspaper over the back of the photographic paper and using a normal iron (NOT with steam ) heat up the sandwich of silver, photo paper, newspaper for about 3 - 4 minutes
6. Let the whole lot cool and then carefully peel the photopaper from the silver and you will find the image perfectly transerred to the silver
It sounds a bit complicated but is actually very simple and after a few tries you will get it to work 100% every time.
If I have time tomorrow I'll post some photos of the process - it really works very well.
Have a look at the Andrew Berry video on etching using Print 'n Peel for the basic process (but you don't need to use the expensive Print n' Peel paper and you will not need to reverse the image - making the white black and the black white for etching resist)
Barry the Flying Silversmith👍