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Thread: Venting!

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
    I'am actually puzzled as to how I would make a replica of this.

    Is it solid, and would you cast it? I don't fancy my chances of piercing it neatly from thick sheet, or getting the rounded junctions from square tube or wire.

    Any suggestions? Also there must be a teenage craze for this logo, or why would a 13 year old want it so desperately?
    Well she wanted it 2mm thick. If I was to make it again (which I won't!) I was thinking I would make a frame from 2mm square wire and then solder the two struts into it. She says she's going to find someone to make it for her but I don't fancy her chances. I suggested to her that she provides them with a less misleading photo.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Oh, Carole I do feel for you and you have most certainly done the right thing, you have to do what you can do/ deal with and no more.....(not sure I have worded that right, but the bottom line is), it doesn't matter what the rest of us think, you have done what you felt was right at the time and therefore it was undoubtedly right!!

    Along with Chris, I communicate to the Nth degree....and when the customer comes back, I reconfirm and will not commence work until deposit (non refundable, is received)....mine are mostly 'the public' (and some of these folk are trying it on....the majority don't, I hasten to add!! they simply don't understand what is possible), I am quite clear (as I am sure you are Carole) that they have misunderstood or need to have deeper pockets/ be clearer..... that what they asked for originally wasn't what they are asking for now.....when they rave about Cad and ask for handmade, it will not be CAD, they accept the handmade design.....which I can absolutely lay my piece on,......but complain that it isn't right, or they need an extra stone......that's fine, but.....not what they agreed to,....i lay out the options to them,......communication dotting every I is vital......I am 'very pleasant' about this....(GRrrr...)...and reread my emails a dozen times to make sure that I haven't actually typed what I am dumb...<....oooh, we don't have ass or twat symbols.....

    Carole, the piece in the image most certainly has a back.......would I have avoided this....I doubt it given the image and the customer response.....I would have described the piece in words, (including solid rear plate...or similar).....would I have remade, yes,.....once and sent only on receipt of the original returned, would I remake again or refund,.......refund less deposit, yes, and remake once other pieces returned.....probably,.... I still think she would be unhappy.....sadly Chris,....there do seem to be folk out there that want something for nothing and my alarm bells would be firing on ALL cylinders with this one....

    ...the only thing as a slight aside that I wouldn't do is block her email....just transfer them into a holding account as Peter suggests.....since they are causing you so much distress, I would resolve never to check them, if, whilst you haven't checked them they become 'nice', don't worry about it,...I would think that so long as you have 'documented' that they have caused you so much you have shouldn't worry.....don't read don't ever need to deal with this person again.

    .......recently the CAD, want another stone guy.....(who has had a few commissions from me and been very happy over the past couple of years) came back to me, for an engagement ring.....coloured stones in 'white metal' .....then a white gold diamond ring, 0.5ct......then asscher cut, then platinum, then tension set, then phoenix cut diamond, then alexandrite, probably this, could you do this....(all for the same money) each request I was clear about options, availability, risks with design (tension setting for an 'everyday' ring).....blah, blah....he was obviously trying to get the best deal, who can blame the I priced myself out....this would have haunted me forever, cost me more than it did thank you!!!

    Hope you're okay Carole....

    Jill xx

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    I suspect the photo you got, Carole, has been heavily photoshopped to white the background but whoever did it forgot to white behind the pendant itself, hence the grey.

    Rather than price yourself out, why not use 'I think we just aren't on the same wavelength, so I am reluctantly going to bow out of your project and I hope you find someone who understands better what you are looking for'
    Once in a while this will bring a chronic ditherer to heel as a wake up call and they become a pussy cat client.
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    'orrible - I would have hated that experience myself. I sketch and describe as accurately as I can when doing commissions - and confess I won't ever make 'something that looks like'. I got fed up of people showing me cast-in-1000s pieces from etsy, and asking me to replicate it (at the same cost usually) so have a 'Never make anything that is someone else's design' policy. The only time I've broken that is very recently when a lady had lost a very simple wire pendant and couldn't possibly get the same person to make it (different country and unsuare who it was!). That said, I get alarm bells over certain commission requests, and indeed have one at the moment, so should probably listen to myself and not take it! Have a virtual hug, and the solace that once this is over, you will never have to have dealings with this person again. It certainly looks like it has a back to me, and I'm not sure what exactly the lady wanted you to make.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by trialuser View Post
    And another thing!
    I just did a google reverse image search and found this
    It talks of the pendant being polished on the outside and rough on the 'inside', so it has a back!
    Probably fed up as she realised she could have bought it for $15!
    Great sleuthing! Looking at photo the customer supplied, then for what it's worth I think it has a back too. After looking at the fourth photo on the link above, however, then there's no doubt that there is a back - the pendant is clearly on a very white background and you cannot see through it.

    Is it worth sending her the actual link saying "I am sorry to hear your daughter is disappointed, but here is the link to the website you took the photo from showing various views of the pendant. The pendant clearly has a back and as you specified you wanted a pendant like the one in the photo, this is what I made. Had you at any time said you wanted the pendant exactly as in the photo but without a back, then this is what I would have made. Specially commissioned items are non-refundable, but as a gesture of goodwill and once the goods are returned to me unworn and in a re-saleable condition, I am prepared to make an exception and give a full refund of the purchase price. Please ensure you return by signed for mail. Yours," etc. I wouldn't make any mention of refunding postage. That way if she does has the cheek to try and make negative comments about you on any social media site, you can cut and paste and let other people make up their own mind. I think she'll soon come over as being a very unreasonable person.

    TBH I also think she's trying it on.

    So glad to hear that the law on distance selling has changed to make sure the goods are returned BEFORE refund.

    Good luck. And remember how many many happy customers you do have.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    The Back Woods of Devon


    Only really adding to what others have said but I'll bung in my bit anyway. I always make very sure to clarify every detail with the client, sometimes to the point of having to apologise for seeming a bit obsessive! I also make sure to keep them up to speed during a project with progress photos or having them come view the job. That's something that's actually proved really popular with people. Like everyone I had to learn all this the hard way of course, by dealing with a vague client. Actually that pre-dated my jewellery days. Was a guy I did a motorcycle fuel tank for. Based on an existing tank but "just a half inch on here and nip it in a bit there, maybe slim that down...". Looked smashing, didn't fit the bike, lesson learned...


    Twitter: @DTRMetalArt

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    The photo definitely looks like it has a back. The customer certainly was very rude, and I think she needs to bear in mind her own words. If she believes you reap what you sow, fourfold or otherwise, she is in for a rather rocky time herself.

    She is obviously a wonderful role model for her 13 year old daughter.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London

    Default The Paramore Bar Symbol.

    Half way down this page, you will find the significance of the parallel bars and hence why a teenager should want the necklace:

    The three spaces, represent three members of a band. Why aren't you lot interested? You're so old fashioned Dennis.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I'm so sorry you had such an awful customer Carole. As others have said, I think you did everything you could to keep her happy and I would just wait for her to return the pieces and refund. Even though under the new rules you don't have to refund custom pieces it sounds like it's not worth the stress of arguing with her.

    Have a large gin and find a cat to cuddle. Then tell her to bugger off.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Thanks for all your wise words everyone.

    I'm glad to hear you're "getting down wiv da kids" Dennis.


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