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Thread: Time to say hello!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Plymouth, United Kingdom

    Default Time to say hello!

    Unless my Kindle dies for the third time while writing this that is!

    I've been lurking for a few weeks before posting so kinda already know a few names and have seen some great work.

    Now where do I start on the intro?

    I'm Michelle, business name Spectra. I first started making jewellery with pearls, semi-precious beads, a few bicones,mass produced charms and a shed load of tiger tail.That was 8 years ago. I sold a bit through ebay and a dreadful free website with marketing and effort that wasn't even half hearted.Beads aren't really me, although will occasionally use them, and my designs started to cost me £25 upwards in materials per necklace because I couldn't stand the whole samey samey 'it's just someone stringing beads' thing.Naturally, without the right market and advertising it was a rather pointless endeavour in the end and who wants to pay so much for beads?

    So, fast forward and I now work with silver and the odd bit of gold ( well actually the gold only accidentally slipped into my basket 2 days ago but still.,) and there is rarely a bead in sight!

    I had to give up work a while ago due to my disabled sons needs, no suitable childcare left and different school hours.I'm also a single mum so no help there either.It makes me feel a bit useless to not be directly bringing money in anymore and I hate it.So, as I can currently do nothing else at present due to circumstances I have decided to give this a proper bash this time, with my silver not beads (!) and give it my all -well, what I can of it.This is to be my official job!Eek, you say?Yep,, me too!

    Fortunately, I am set to receive inheritance in the near future once properties are sold, which will mean I don't really have anything to lose now.Whatever I put in I will get back through that and, although being splits many ways, it will be enough to cover anything I would otherwise miss and my lifestyle will be sustainable.So why not, eh?

    Thanks to Cooksons and my poor weeping bank account I've started building up my tools.I've spent time designing, planning, considering marketing and making an incredibly confusing mind map!I shall do it properly this time..

    The only current downside is the initial outlay, but I'll get that back one way or another, just want to make sure I don't go too crazy to start with.Easier said than done as I keep wanting and having 'brilliant ideas' that would cost the earth.On the plus side I have really thought about marketing this time including a charity fundraising piece/range that I can easily market,fundraising for a charity close to home at the same time as getting myself out there-double bonus!

    Now watch me royally screw it up

    ps sorry for the long post!Hope I didn't waffle too much


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Hi Michelle, it looks like I'm the first to say hello and welcome. Scary times ahead but you have obviously put a lot of thought into it. Good luck with it all

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hi Michelle and welcome. You definitely should be able to make a living at it if you have the right skills and get some good breaks. Wishing you lots of luck and please ask on here if you get stuck with anything as there's so much knowledge about.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Hi Michelle and welcome. There are loads of people here who will help you, so ask as many questions as you like and waffle as much as you want to

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Hi Michelle,

    Sounds like you have officially got the bug after 8 years, it sounds like your designs and skills have come on leaps and bounds since starting out. Sometimes it's good to look back and realise just how far you have come in that time, it gives me a boost when I look at some of my first work and how things improve with practice and tips such as those found on this forum.

    Welcome anyway and hope things go to plan


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Earley, Berkshire


    Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum. You sound very organised and I wish you every success in your new venture!
    Elaine at Mead Moon
    Mead Moon
    My Etsy shop

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Good luck and hooray for new adventure! i find this a great job to fit around the kids and the husband's up-and-down health. It is scary, but rewarding (erm, personally not terribly financially, yet, but I'l get there!). Good on you!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Felmersham, Near Bedford


    Hi Michelle, welcome and good luck with your new venture!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    Hi from me too, I am in Exeter so quite close to you. I only do mine as a paying hobby, but I make some money by going to craft fairs every month. Hope everything works out for you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Plymouth, United Kingdom


    Thanks all

    I lived in Exeter for a while Pat,nice to see people in the south west! I guess one lucky possibility here is the Victoria Sewart Contemporary Jewellery Gallery..

    Will be posting some questions later

    Thanks again everyone


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