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Thread: New Website!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Belfast, United Kingdom, United Kingdom

    Default New Website!

    Just starting out, and have a new website up and running...can you all have a look and let me know what you think? Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I think it looks great! Crisp and easy to navigate, and the layout works well across all the browsers I tried it on. I think I'd have liked to see some text (perhaps just one block) on the home page, but it's not a big deal.

    A couple of comments:

    One or two of the pictures look a bit washed out - I think this has happened in trying to get to a pure white background to match others.
    The items described as brooches are actually stick pins.
    I think you're selling under UK law, so there are a couple of DSRs you need to comply with - in particular you have only a contact me form, rather than displaying a geographic address and a contact telephone number.

    My only other comment would be the use of third person throughout. I have to admit that if I'm buying direct from the designer, I'd rather read in the first person, or see things kept neutral rather than see constant name repetition. This may, of course, just be a personal thing and others may have very different views!

    Well done - I think you've done a great job on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Hi Caroline.
    One comment I'd make, and I don't buy jewellery so I don't know if it's the norm, is that almost everything I looked at to buy, says allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery.
    Personally, if I was buying say a ring in the sub 50 quid bracket, I'd just look elsewhere for another I liked which I could have in a week or so.
    I understand hallmarking if required adds to the timescale, but perhaps rephrase to explain this, perhaps consider if you could turn the stuff around in 2 - 4 weeks?
    Just a thought, and as I say, 4-6 weeks to wait may be normal for your market.
    I get irritated that I have to wait 6 weeks for a sofa let alone a 28 quid broach.
    Well done.
    PS You have missed the 'e' out in 'please us the contact form to contact us' on the commissions page.
    Last edited by trialuser; 29-04-2014 at 01:21 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I think I agree that 4-6 weeks is a bit too long to wait. On Notonthehighstreet most things I have to get out within 5 days, which can be a nightmare with hallmarking. I just have to be sure I have every size in stock or at least have the makings of everything. A lot of things I just keep as strips ready to be soldered and finished.

    I also think your items should be a bit more expensive as people may think they're not good quality if they're too cheap.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    the shop section on safari seems a bit temperamental. Sometimes I get a picture or part of a picture and some description and other times I get all description. Some of the pictures are a bit small as well. Otherwise I liked the clean layout.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Belfast, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Thanks for the feedback, alll very helpful, and I intend to make some changes based on some of what you all have suggested. I know 4-6 weeks does seem long to wait, but I was thinking in terms of most of my items are made to order, and most will need hallmarked. Also I was thinking of myself in this, I am only making jewellery on a less than part time basis, so finding the time is difficult. Regarding pricing, one of you suggested raising my prices a bit...I am interested to hear what sort of prices you think would be more acceptable? I always find pricing so difficult, so appreciate any advise on this! Thanks!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    On the 4-6 weeks, if it is emphasised that things are made to order it might ameliorate things, but if they're stock designs then you probably need to hold stock; no real way around that.

    Pricing... Red rag, meet bull

    Labour + materials + ancillary costs is what it cost you to make it.
    Add 20% for your profit (reinvesting, effectively).
    This gives you the wholesale price.
    Usually 100% markup for retail - please remember this markup is the cost of selling it, which is not the cost of making it. It's a separate process, involving time, website maintenance, ongoing costs, time taken to go to the post office/wrap things, show attendance where appropriate etc. etc.

    There are corner cases, naturally. I'm unlikely to make a sale if I multiply the cost of a large diamond by 2.5 when Blue Nile are selling with a 20-30% markup. Similarly, if things took too long then the labour rate has to come down.

    It's worth having a look at the high street jewellers and seeing what similar pieces go for *and remembering these are mass produced*.

    Same song as ever, sorry all

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Hi Caroline. Your drop down menus don't work for me (Firefox). They go haywire if I try to select size/colour etc.
    Sian Williamson

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Belfast, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Thanks all....
    hmmm, I've tried it on safari and it works fine for me....
    will have to look at firefox too....
    Thanks for letting me know!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    The distance selling regulations are changing in mid-June. We don't have to refund until the piece gets back to us or we can confirm by a tracking number it has been sent and we have to give a two week window for returns now.
    You need to comply with all the DSR regs (address, contract terms, shipping charges etc) It's the law, not voluntary.
    Your drop downs don't work in my firefox either and the product description only shows the bottom half.
    I think you need to get the backgrounds the same in every picture. When they are not matched it looks a bit as if they have just been slapped up any old how. Add a photo processing program to your list of need to have skills!
    Agree with everyone else, your delivery times are way too long. You are competing against many many other silversmiths and jewellers as well as those busy bods in India and China.
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide


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