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Thread: Claiming compensation from Royal Mail

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_D View Post
    Well I can say that this topic really has boiled it down to a gravy...
    RM will pay sender their purchase price NOT SELLING PRICE. Unless they made it themselves then it's materials only. Original reviews needed to claim and no claim accepted before 35 WORKING DAYS. Payout will take another 35 working days....
    I know as I've just recurve day cheque for £79....
    That's what I paid for the gold ring I sold for £300.
    Well that makes sense in a way, because RM won't pay for the profit made. That's a different thing to not paying for the labour on something which is really the issue of the thread. I have my wholesale price and my retail price.

    That said, regarding reselling which is what you are referring to, I wonder what would happen if the ring had not been bought previously, but was inherited for example? And how far back could RM go to demand proof of purchase? What about if there was an insurance assessment of value?

    I buy a lot of old jewellery, repair it and sell it on, usually making a very good profit. I have bought the same design on numerous occasions and paid between £30 and £160. So in theory, if one that I originally paid £30 for sold for say £250 then went missing, I could just use any one of the invoices for one I bought at a higher price for my claim. I still might not get the full price I sold it for back, but I'd get a substantial amount back. Alternatively I might say the item was my grandmother's and here is one in the same kind of condition which sold for more than I got. I don't see how they could argue the case for having to provide an original receipt then.

  2. #52
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    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by medusa View Post
    Alternatively I might say the item was my grandmother's and here is one in the same kind of condition which sold for more than I got. I don't see how they could argue the case for having to provide an original receipt then.
    I'm not sure they'd play ball there.
    A recent quote from RM:"Royal Mail insurance now only covers the purchase price of any item you lose or allow to be stolen and must be verified by a receipt rather than, as in the past, proof of the value of the item when sold..."
    In other words if your grandmother's Cartier ring goes awol in transit, RM gives you zero.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aurarius View Post
    I'm not sure they'd play ball there.
    A recent quote from RM:"Royal Mail insurance now only covers the purchase price of any item you lose or allow to be stolen and must be verified by a receipt rather than, as in the past, proof of the value of the item when sold..."
    In other words if your grandmother's Cartier ring goes awol in transit, RM gives you zero.

  4. #54
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    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_D View Post
    Well I can say that this topic really has boiled it down to a gravy...
    RM will pay sender their purchase price NOT SELLING PRICE. Unless they made it themselves then it's materials only. Original reviews needed to claim and no claim accepted before 35 WORKING DAYS. Payout will take another 35 working days....
    I know as I've just recurve day cheque for £79....
    That's what I paid for the gold ring I sold for £300.

    So that's not Cobblers is it metalsmith?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    That's not good news! Is this their first offer? I get the impression that you have to be prepared to stick to your guns and fight your corner. Did you include any time that you had spent on improving the ring. It might be worth-while creating a log so that each job is documented in time. I reckon lost rings must take a... g... e... s to prepare.

    However (elsewhere on this thread) I'd recommend stopping short of providing a receipt for a different item, since that would be considered as fraud.

  5. #55
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    Jan 2014


    Oh dear. It's not a question of offers.

    Read the small print.

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    Using Tapatalk

  6. #56
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    OH has been doing some investigating at the PO in the brochure and online and has come up with the following

    This only works with RM special delivery guaranteed delivery for 1pm which is the only one that covers jewellery anyway. This is the one that covers for the material costs only, basic cost up to £500 or up to a further £2500
    On top of that you would then have to take out insurance for consequential loss for an added fee, which gives you cover up to 10k. I have been unable to ascertain on the RM website how much this costs or the terms of it though. Under English law consequential loss means the total cost of the items including time etc and not just the material costs. They mention it several times on the website as being available but they seem to want to keep the detail of it a secret!!

    There is another fault to the PO counters service we found today, when they ask the worth of a parcel they should ask what it is because jewellery isn't covered by anything but the guaranteed next day delivery, so recorded is meaningless. That could be another factor to a claim as you are being mis-sold a service or the counter staff aren't asking the correct questions to enable you to post it securely

  7. #57
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by CJ57 View Post
    On top of that you would then have to take out insurance for consequential loss for an added fee, which gives you cover up to 10k. I have been unable to ascertain on the RM website how much this costs or the terms of it though. Under English law consequential loss means the total cost of the items including time etc and not just the material costs. They mention it several times on the website as being available but they seem to want to keep the detail of it a secret!!
    I saw this too, Caroline. In my email to them, I did mention consequential loss and this was RM's reply: "Consequential loss cover would not be of use to you as it would not cover loss of profits." No further details despite asking about fees. It says on the RM website that details are available from the PO but when I asked about this at the counter they didn't have any information to give me. I pointed this out the RM in my email, did they elaborate? Er….no. Grrrr...

    From memory of looking into consequential loss years ago regarding something else, I gathered this was for legal documents and the like or for something which may not be valuable in itself but if for example, the papers had to be somewhere by a certain time and didn't arrive, there might be penalties incurred for the person posting it. If sending these papers by RMSD and not delivered, all that you would receive in compensation would be the related compensation rate for non delivery.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfergirl View Post
    I saw this too, Caroline. In my email to them, I did mention consequential loss and this was RM's reply: "Consequential loss cover would not be of use to you as it would not cover loss of profits." No further details despite asking about fees. It says on the RM website that details are available from the PO but when I asked about this at the counter they didn't have any information to give me. I pointed this out the RM in my email, did they elaborate? Er….no. Grrrr...

    From memory of looking into consequential loss years ago regarding something else, I gathered this was for legal documents and the like or for something which may not be valuable in itself but if for example, the papers had to be somewhere by a certain time and didn't arrive, there might be penalties incurred for the person posting it. If sending these papers by RMSD and not delivered, all that you would receive in compensation would be the related compensation rate for non delivery.
    They just don't want to give you a straight answer Indi! OH was a cop and the way he read consequential loss under tha law was to cover all parts of the total cost. I'm sure if we were to take it to a lawyer for confirmation they would agree but the that would as said before mean taking them to the amall claims court if they are saying it doesn't cover profit, then we could argue thatyour hourly rate and overheads are not necessarily your profit margin. Pity we don't all have the time and money to challenge this!!
    What would then be the point of paying for consequential loss if it doesn't cover anything, they're taking the p...!!

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Consequential losses are the losses incurred as a consequence of the loss - so that if papers are lost it is the costs/fees for replacement. It would be arguable that, since I buy my pearls from wholesalers in Hong Kong in person it would be a consequence of any loss that I had to fly over to HK to buy the replacement stock.
    It doesn't cover profit which is not a consequence of the loss, but a different head of damage. However, if, as a consequence of the loss you had to divert your time and attention from making something else new and novel to making something to replace the item they lost, that would arguably be a consequence.
    NB it is a civil contract matter. The court could also find that the RM terms and conditions fail under UCTA etc although there is less likelihood of that now that other shipping companies are available. No monopoly means that you are not forced to use RM and accept any old terms they foist on you.
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide


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