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Thread: 'Too many great ideas', anyone else?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.

    Default 'Too many great ideas', anyone else?

    Hi folks!

    Anyone else get the 'too many great ideas' problem? - I mean, I literally started off making wooden buttons for my wife in a desperate bid to focus my mind during an awful and protracted breakdown (at her suggestion - she helped me stay out of the hospitals with this one sentence 'go and make me some wooden buttons' LOL!) with just an old saw , a drill and piles of flat sandpaper of all the grades - that and a few nice walks in the woods.

    After finding spalted wood I learned about vacuum stabilisation, built the gear tried all the options I could find, found something that worked, buttons became carved wooden rings and I learned all about knife sharpening and making and made a few knives and spalted wood handles, read up on bladesmithing and forging, rings gained silver liners and I taught myself how to silver solder, which lead to learning to make silver jewellery, which started a fascination with lapidary, mokume-gane etc. etc. etc...

    Stabilisation lead to resins and resin work/casting/embedding etc. and I studied up on that too and started accumulating/making the gear.

    All these things and more - they just keep on branching for me - if I need it to be done, I want to learn and do it myself in most cases and then often become passionately fascinated, and all along all the branches that get me passionate about the subject, I constantly get new ideas for wonderful things to make and new ways of using methods, and again with the fascinating side branching continues!

    Now this wouldn't be a problem to me, but 'I just have no money coming in yet' as a newly SE startup, and I am struggling to maintain focus on the things I am (barely) equipped to do already!

    Anyways it's driving me bloody nuts folks LOL! Just wondering how many others around this place suffer similarly, so maybe I don't feel like it's just me.



    P.s. can't wait to do some electroforming when I can finally afford the gear - I've more ideas for that than I have brain cells LOL!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Manchester UK


    I think its the creative persons curse !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Vale of Evesham


    Right there with you Shaun but sadly i have to add clothing design in there too (always one project or another on the go there) now want to get into making silk lingerie as i already make corsets, erm bags too oh and shoes i make shoes as well, cards, drawing stylized graphics for skateboards, fashion illustration in general. Add the millions of silver work ideas on top and yup im going crazy (well crazier lol) might post some of my none jewellery work in the lounge or something
    Anyway hang in there it only gets worse hee hee x


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by josef1 View Post
    I think its the creative persons curse !
    I think you may be right! Nowhere near enough space to house/do it all seems to be a part of the equation, too - here at home there are 3 of us creative nuts, and all our hoarded 'paraphernalia'.

    It's like archaeology at this house - when you start to dig through the piles, you begin to uncover which creative exploits engaged us going back a decade and more hehheh...

    'More space! More space!' - isn't this one of our more familiar cries too?!?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Vale of Evesham


    Amen! lol x


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Truffle & Podge View Post
    Right there with you Shaun but sadly i have to add clothing design in there too (always one project or another on the go there) now want to get into making silk lingerie as i already make corsets, erm bags too oh and shoes i make shoes as well, cards, drawing stylized graphics for skateboards, fashion illustration in general. Add the millions of silver work ideas on top and yup im going crazy (well crazier lol) might post some of my none jewellery work in the lounge or something
    Anyway hang in there it only gets worse hee hee x

    My wife is a life-long fabric/fibre/yarn 'addict' that's taken her in many directions, and has just started a textiles degree course which may open up even more, daughter is a life-long crafting addict, pop-art/graphics/photography/mixed media junky etc. and is studying at college right now, and me too with my own 'eclectic interestest', all in the one little cramped house for now (although I just got a small unit for storage and bulk wood processing etc., yet to be used though!) - we're bursting at the seems heheheh...

    It seems many of us accumulate creative interests like these, like hoarders accumulate junk... In fact I don't think I can see any dividing line at all, heh...



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Vale of Evesham


    Think i may have to take up box making too as cannot find what i want anywhere meh! My other half makes skateboards, yep makes them lol, there are so many sketches around i think we are in danger of a paper drowning We only have a tiny one bed flat so add all my paraphanalia and you can get the image of having to climb over stuff to get anywhere even when as tidy as poss. I need a big house with a garage for Morg a silver studio, a sewing room, a fabric storage room and a library (cannot let go of books love em love em love em love em ) for me and possibly a nice little room for the degus, 2 males 1 female (seperate) & gerbil and sod the cat shes a little cowbag lol
    And why oh why do i like sitting on the floor to hammer & polish?
    sounds like i would get on with your wife


  8. #8


    And then all of this leads on to tools, tools and more tools

    I do think it is something many creative people have in common - we can't just settle at one thing, as new things keep sparking interest.

    For me.... jewellery is taking over, but there are two extra pieces of furniture sitting around waiting to be sanded / painted.......

    I'm currently looking at moving in with my OH, but I think he is getting worried about the stuff (and the fact that I keep pinching tools that will be useful for jewellery!).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Having a bigger house just means more rooms to fill. We turned a small bedroom into a library, but soon saw the error of our ways and now have a large double bedroom as main library. The original library still has most of the book cases in it but also a bed now lol. We allegedly have a 6 bedroom house. Only 3 have beds in them and you can only get to the bed in one of them.

    I need to find an area of the house to solder in. The utility room is looking most likely but I've got to get rid of the dining room table that's in it and get some sort of desk/workbench set up. Now the utility room is truly multi-functional as it already has in it a washing machine, a treadmill and a piano!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Hahaha!! I loved reading this thread, the further I read, the worse I realised I am!!

    So I started small, on the kitchen or small ikea table in the conservatory,.....but every time someone ate, I had to move my 'stuff'! I was given a corner in our little used dining room, I soon managed to expand this to one wall, ooh, then a little on the other side and another corner, ooh and soon I was filling most of the room!! (this took about 3 years.....stealth ), so it was thought best that I had the spare bedroom upstairs, which is a great room, but not the greatest functional space/shape as a bedroom!!

    I thought I was made, purposely fitted out with an eclectic mix of functional furniture and tools, (apart from the printer downstairs and a little bit of drawing stuff). Then last year son moved out,......well, the space was going begging, oooh, space for the printer!! So the printer found a new home, as did the desk that daughter no longer wanted after finishing her degree, my office (errrr, sons bedroom), still has a bed in, but functions as desk/office space, design area and photographic studio (slight stretch of the imagination), AND very inconveniently, occasionally as the spare bedroom!!

    Did I mention the storage space in the loft??..........


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