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Thread: The working classes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon

    Default The working classes

    You would never guess what happened to me yesterday. I was up in my spare bedroom making jewellery, well in the bathroom pouring pickle down the toilet actually, but there was a knock at the door. We live in a very quiet area (well at the moment as the university students are on holiday, so the place is like a ghost street). Hubby went to answer it, and it was my former boss. I loved my job when I did it, but that was five years ago, and since then I decided that as I was 61 I would retire. Anyway at the time that he made me redundant, I had previously been in hospital for over a month and was a bit traumatised as they were trying to save my sight in one eye, let alone save the infected eye, so after spending all that time in hospital being injected in the back of the eye etc. they decided to take it out as there was nothing else they could do. I had only been out of hospital a week and boss made me redundant, gave me a pressurised choice though, and to be honest I didnt think I would have been able to do the job anyway as my good eye was taking the strain a bit. I said yes redundancy would be ok. He only came to the door asking if I would like my old job back but on a part time basis. As money is a bit short as hubby has been off work for eight weeks with an old injury that he got while in the army, I accepted it, but only as a self employed and work which days I want to, which seemed to suit him fine, and of course to take my dogs into the office as I dont want to leave them at home for 5 or 6 hours, especially the little chewer (otherwise I probably wouldnt have much home left). Watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I dont know whether to be excited or not, will keep you posted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Good for you naming your terms! Hope it works out for you.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Making you redundant while you are off ill is highly suspect. I can recommend a very good employment lawyer
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    I dont think its a permanent thing, but it will give me a bit more money to buy silver with, even if it is short term. Two days a week would suit me, gives me a bit of time to make jewellery, but to start with he wants me four days I think. He is a "user" so it will be nice to think that this time I am using him.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Anyhow, you should feel pleased and valued. Hope you won't get too busy to write a few lines here, though. regards Dennis.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    dear old Blighty - (in deepest Wiltshire)


    Sounds like a great opportunity for you all, keep you perspective fresh Pat and keep your terms in tact. Wish you luck and lots more opportunities for silver!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Making you redundant while you are off ill is highly suspect.
    Depends on circumstances,The position that you work in was being made redundant.

    What your employer needed to demonstrate is whether the decision to make you as the person in that position redundant was taken fairly, in other words what considerations were taken into account when deciding who was to be let go.If your employer can show that the decision was taken fairly then is not much you can do.

    I can recommend a very good employment lawyer
    The only civil related case that can get legal aid is Discrimination by the employer, being right and proving it are often two very different things. Don't ever be under the illusion that the one in the right wins, more often the one prepared to hold out the longest and throw the most money at a case is the one who wins (unless you believe OJ really was innocent)

    I think. He is a "user" so it will be nice to think that this time I am using him.
    Or he recognises you are a valuable asset that 5 years down the road is worth far more than he realised. Congratulations Pat, it sounds like it came at a good time for you and I hope you get everything you rightly deserve

    best wishes


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    Thanks everyone for your good wishes. In answer to your questions Dave, my quibble isnt that I was made redundant, just that he is an insensitive b........ for telling me just a week after I had come out from hospital after losing my eye after a month of hell. Even though they deaden the feeling, you can still feel a needle being injected into the back of your eye, and I had them every day, was on an anti-biotic drip for that time, then come the end they gave me very strong morphine and anti-biotic tablets, and the eye started to clear, then they stopped the tablets because they were £100 each. So I had been through quite a rough time, and to be honest I was glad at the time that he gave me the option as my good eye was taking the strain. About a month after, he made everyone else redundant, so it wasnt just me. He decided to run it on his own with his wifes help. Like I said I will be working the hours I want to work, this time being self employed, I can call the shots!!!!! I am 66 now so I dont want to work full time, every day of the week, two or three days will be ok. Start at 10.30am finish at 4pm, the next two weeks anyway.
    Last edited by Patstone; 24-06-2013 at 06:24 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Well done Pat, nice to feel valued. Grab it with both hands but only if it makes you happy. What will you be doing?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    It is a flooring company, mainly new builds, so my job is doing "take-offs" from a set of plans. He used to have a computer with a Calidus system to do it with a digiboard, but not sure if he is doing that way now or doing it by hand. Basically measuring rooms on a plan and planning which was is the most economical and asthetically pleasing way to lay it.

    Quote Originally Posted by caroleallen View Post
    Well done Pat, nice to feel valued. Grab it with both hands but only if it makes you happy. What will you be doing?


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