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Thread: Hello!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Hello!

    Hi not sure where to start apologies in advance for the rambling...

    I am 32, single mum to an 11 y.o I work part time as a Medical Secretary and make metal jewellery in my spare time.

    I'm hoping that I'll be able to get advice and may be even share what little i've learnt too and I hope it's ok for me to show you the pieces I've made. I could really do with getting peoples honest opinions on my basic attempts (you guys are amazingly talented people and I would love to be learn from you). I am in the process of applying to Uni to do jewellery and silversmithing full time - Sept 2013 intake. But I cant hide from the fact that I am a little scared of the lack of money and insecurity after having worked in the NHS all my working life and whether I am making a wise decision going down this route. But I dont know whether its madness setting in from the pickle pot (like the 'mad' hatters) or what it is [and as cheesy as this sounds] when I think about it my heart skips a beat and I get excited!

    So thats me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    dear old Blighty - (in deepest Wiltshire)


    Hi and welcome Vanessa, it sounds like you are on a great journey - wishing you all the best and in the meantime hopefully some sharing before then



  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Tyne & Wear


    Hi Vanessa

    Welcome to the forum

    Congrats re the course in 2013.

    Re the financial bit of what you mentioned. The NHS has a policy of allowing career breaks, where you are entitled to take a break for a minimum of three months. Check out your contract for further info. In reality you would not be going back post study to your current job, but this would protect you fopr a period of time if you want to do part time work with part time study or if you have a timetable that permits you to work some hours per work for your current employer. HR could explain it further to you. In addition, as your current job is admin most NHS organisations have an admin bank which you could register with and secure some work when it was mutually convenient.

    Like you I'm still learning, but I'm very happy to share any tips I pick up.

    Good luck with everything.

    I'll look forward to seeing your pics.
    Pauline x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hi Vanessa

    Welcome to the forum. I know you'll get great advice here. Is there a collective noun for 'a large bunch of fantastic people who so freely and kindly share their knowledge?'

    Personally, as I've posted so little, I feel like a bit of a fraud but I hope to be posting more in the future.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Hi there and welcome! It's worth knowing that if this is your first degree you are going for, then you get quite a bit of financial help especially as you are a single parent. This help is in the form of a bursary and grant, not a loan, so it doesn't have to be paid back.

    As someone who is now on my third degree, I really really wish I had time and money to do a fourth in jewellery!

    Anyway, look forward to seeing your work and bear in mind that a few of us here (~cough~me~cough~) are just wildly enthusiastic but not very adept amateurs, so don't be scared to show!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Hi Vanessa

    Welcome to the forum - I can only reiterate what others have already said, this is a really invaulable forum for getting advice, feedback and inspiration. I've been doing silversmithing for about a year now although had to recently take 4 months out so now keen to get back on that horse.

    I have to admit - I'm extremely envious of your new journey as would love to do something similar (unfortunately the practically of saving up for a wedding means I need to keep my sensible head on...for now! ) I wish you the best of luck - I can imagine it may feel daunting but it's a fantastic step to take - go for it! Out of curiosity, where are you doing your course? I've been reading about the one in Plymouth as it's the closest to me in Devon.

    Looking forward to seeing photo's of your work x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Yes, welcome! You certainly are on a wonderful journey. Very curious to see pictures of your jewellery!
    People here are so helpful, you will love this forum.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Hi everyone and thank you!

    I'm applying to the Jewellery School (BCU) Birmingham as thats my closest. I know its tough to get in so wont be disheartened if I dont get offered a place I'll just keep trying (I'm not being negative just trying to be realistic and not get hopes up and all that lol)! Pauline yes exactly what I am doing I'm applying for a career break (but am still scared about it all) so that at least at the end of the course I know I will have something to fall back on will speak to HR regarding working during the hol's as my manager said I wont be able to but I'll check with them too as you say. Thanks everyone

    I've just submitted a piece I made for my mums xmas prezzie into the December competition!
    Last edited by Vanessa; 30-12-2012 at 04:31 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    Hi, I looked at the course in Cornwall College, but they were quite expensive and it would have to be a one to one. Where in Devon are you, as you can see I am in Exeter. There is a shortage of good courses in the Westcountry, I wonder if anyone on the forum could teach you what you want to know. Quite a few of them teach I believe.

    Quote Originally Posted by louisella76 View Post
    Hi Vanessa

    Welcome to the forum - I can only reiterate what others have already said, this is a really invaulable forum for getting advice, feedback and inspiration. I've been doing silversmithing for about a year now although had to recently take 4 months out so now keen to get back on that horse.

    I have to admit - I'm extremely envious of your new journey as would love to do something similar (unfortunately the practically of saving up for a wedding means I need to keep my sensible head on...for now! ) I wish you the best of luck - I can imagine it may feel daunting but it's a fantastic step to take - go for it! Out of curiosity, where are you doing your course? I've been reading about the one in Plymouth as it's the closest to me in Devon.

    Looking forward to seeing photo's of your work x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Felmersham, Near Bedford


    Hi Vanessa, welcome from me too!!


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