Good evening all. Hope everyones well.
I'm just relaxing after having spent all day at the husbands work place with a stall of my goodies. Everytime I do an event I feel sick with nerves, even though I've done a few now, it still effects me every time. It feels like it's peices of my soul laid out on the tables, even more so with silver work as that's where all the hard work goes. Everyone there was really nice & seemed to genuinley like the items I had to offer & lets just say a couple of bills can now be paid off.
However, a few events I've done before in random locations ie craft fairs, summer fairs, and the dreaded car boots (*never, ever again!*) where the potential buyers had never heard of me, some of them were actually really very rude. Apperently shocked at how expensive I was, although to be fair most of the complainers didn't even realise what it was they were looking at. In one case it was an amethyst & crystal quartz necklace with a pewter flower design for £6. Because I'd attempted to do so many stalls at locations that weren't ideal for what I was selling, it's made me so anxious to do more events because it makes me feel so ill before each one that it just doesn't seem worth it.
The problem seems to be that I don't know what sort of audience will be at each event until I get there, which by that time it's too late.

Does anyone else have the same anxiety issues & how do you/did you deal with it?