Guess what I just made, can show you a pic cos I dont know how to download pics from my phone. Its a bit lop sided but its stuck (I hope), hubby has gone to bed now so wouldnt appreciate me bashing around as I have my bench in the spare bedroom right next to ours. He drives great big artic lorries and has to start work on this contract at 1.30am. Delivers food to very famous grocery stores beginning with a "T". Anyway getting back to the reason I am here is, I have done it, yippee, I have done it. This must be my sixtyth time at least. So I exaggerate a bit. I am so excited, all I need now is a stone to put in it and a ring to put it all on. I used a hand torch instead of my bottles one, and turned the flame down a lot, and did like you suggested by making a hole in the soldering block so the setting was almost buried in it. That seems to be the problem I think it was all getting too hot, and not being able to hold the legs still while I soldered the jump ring with the other hand. Yeah, one happy bunny. Thanks for your patience and help.