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Thread: Struggling to sell at fairs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Isle of Wight

    Smile Struggling to sell at fairs

    I have been doing craft fairs for some years now, evolving my stand every time. My work is delicate and feminine and does not shout loudly to be noticed. I want to improve my stand's selling ability but I do not have funds to spend on fancy cabinets.

    I have researched blogs on show stands but they all seem to cover loud bold jewellery on wire racks or cushions and throws. There seem to be no ideas for displaying 'quality' jewellery.

    Any ideas anyone?

    Many thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Hi Kim
    I'm with you on lacking funds for expensive cabinets for display, but when I do craft fairs I display my quality jewellery on jewellery trees which I made myself using air dry clay from a local craft shop and then painted black. I also think its important to have clear precise signs that advertise your jewellery as quality. Signs are equally as important as your stock as they are what lead people to your stall. especially as your jewellery is delicate.

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Isle of Wight


    Thanks Laura. I do have a banner and matching business cards, my stand looks understated and neutral. Perhaps I should go for overstated lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    You need to work out whether the customers who are likely to buy your work are going to craft fairs. If they aren't then no amount of marketing will get more than a sprinkle of sales. What is the average and largest spend at these events? Do people come ready to open their wallets?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    The Netherlands


    Be creative with everyday objects around you, not just in your jewellery making. My atelier is art925, so I spray paint old picture frames, put together with painted mdf makes a good display, be imaginative. I have also canibalised simple wooden CD racks from Ikea. You would be surprised!! (I let the beaders use racks). I have also used old wooden fruit crates painted and get this wine bottles, that was a fun night...!

    But in the end all this is pointless if your customer is not present at the fair. I know in the UK there are so many craft fairs. I only attend a true critiqued art fair; where possible, by invitation only then the marketing draws in a better customer. In the end, most of my sales come following the event, people have seen me at the fair then visit my atelier the following week. Remember marketing is an important part of your business. Dont be put off if you are not selling your stand out, talk to the visitors to your stand, look at the jewellery they are wearing, this will give you an indication of their style, ask them what appeals to them, it is not your work that is wrong, you are in the wrong place. I provide loads of postcard sized flyers, photos and logo, a bit of information about yourself on the back, also provide flyers of other fairs you will be attending if you have no fixed studio, then people know where to find you.

    Stay confident with your personal style, changing your style to suit a populist market is selling yourself short. If you have little cash to invest in your business, then all you can invest is time... so take it, use every opportunity to gather information, it is free market research and that is priceless.
    Last edited by art925; 07-10-2011 at 09:51 AM.
    Poor old Les

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Isle of Wight


    Thank you for all the helpful hints and ideas. I suspect that I may be trying to sell in the wrong places, but I live in the back of beyond and choices of venue are limited.

    I've been making jewellery for a long time, because it's what love to do, but it would be nice to make a profit too lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Wow! art925, what great advice and such a good perspective to adopt!
    Thank you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Isle of Wight


    Thank you Art925 for taking the time to reply in such depth! Much appreciated.

    Plenty of food for thought there :-)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    It's also a good idea of blow up some images of your designs and use them to decorate the walls of your stand.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by caroleallen View Post
    It's also a good idea of blow up some images of your designs and use them to decorate the walls of your stand.
    That's a good idea Carole; it will show the detail and craftswomanship of the delicate pieces being made.

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