Good afternoon all,

I know the vast majority of you are aware of the Cook Book, so I was hoping to start an open debate today on the forum in a bid to capture some much valued views and opinions from you guys, the people who use it! We plan on using any suggestions/recommendations made to help shape the redesign of the NEW up and coming Cook Book.

I'd be very interested in finding out how you feel about the Cook Book in general??? Do you like the Cook Book? Is it useful to you personally? Is it easy to use or poorly layed out? How and why do you use it, if at all? What do you like about it and how would YOU CHANGE it??? In addition comments regarding information, pricing, photography, product descriptions, the format, shape, size, it's integration with the website and anything else you would like to raise. This is the time to bring it to our attention! All suggestions welcome....

Please note this discussion has already commenced on our facebook fan page so please feel free the comment there instead and check out how it is going.

All feedback will be much appreciated and used as an important tool in the redesign of the NEW Cook Book.

Thanks in advance