I'm trying to solder a bangle using rectangular sterling wire - 1.7mm thick, 5mm wide (KSA550).

I don't have the usual problem of it not getting hot enough (built a kiln out of soldering bricks, its getting hot and joining together).

My problem is although the ends are flush and perfect before I start heating it, they bloomin pop up or out as they get warm and it's joining together at a funny angle. I've tried 4 times now and I get an imperfect joint every time.

I tried to use my two third hands to hold each side in place, but can't fit them inside the "kiln" and without the kiln, the bangle doesn't get hot enough.

So my question is - how do you ensure the ends stay together and don't move as the silver heats up? I'm sure there are loads of possible answers to this, and I'm willing to try them all!

TY in advance.