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Thread: Starting A Sex War ?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Well, I have apologised and I think we should all shake hands in cyberspace and not bear any hard feelings. I promise to engage brain before opening mouth in future, and hope that the forum and it's members will thrive. Dennis.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by FacetNation View Post
    people feel the need to argue until blue in the face
    I kinda prefer neon green
    Last edited by wheely; 26-09-2010 at 12:12 AM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by lesley View Post
    I don't know why you say I have assumptions about gender, race, age or disability. I don't, and I didn't even mention the latter three! It feels like you're accusing me of being sexist, racist etc.
    "You" wasn't meant you specifically - it was meant generally to encompass everyone and perhaps should have been "One"

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I believe in freedom of speech and if that's what you needed to get off your chest Dennis, then you had every right to do so. I also believe we women had every right to defend ourselves. I suppose that as I live in a family where both sexes are considered to be equal, it came as a bit of a shock to realise that not everyone feels the same. Sorry if I got a bit heated.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hmm. All's well that ends well? It's far preferable to see these come back to reasoned discussion rather than a flame war, so thank you!

    There were some interesting points made about gender stereotyping amongst those posts - it's perhaps less of an issue than 30-40 years ago, but I think it's still prevalent. Some of the causes have changed though; the example of primary school teachers was raised.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Market Deeping


    I'm 39 and I'm quite happy with a big torch, jewellers saw and power tools.
    However I do kind of understand where you're coming from Dennis ~

    Most of of my "can do" attitude was inherited from my mum (bless her for the super star she is!)
    She was a single parent on low income and if we wanted something doing she invariably did it herself.
    As I got older she showed me how to put up shelves and make things I needed to make.

    Unfortunately I got completely the opposite from the school system ~ as a child I was considered
    above average intelligence and ended up in the academic ends of the "streaming" system.
    This meant that although I wanted to do woodwork, metalwork and (dare I say it) bricklaying
    I ended up with German, French and Technical Drawing....
    The Technical drawing tutor ignored myself and Sharon (the only two girls) and so we eventually gave up and
    ended up spending our time gossipping at the back of the class

    Whilst a few of the ladies on the forum have been blessed with taking jewellery based degrees or other educational
    programmes, the school system and stereotypes that I grew up definitely left us less equipped than the average gent.
    I'm very grateful that people are coming back to crafting and that the drive to leisure time coupled with the continuing
    breakdown of social barriers have made it possible for more folks to make things for either enjoyment or for making a living.

    Even though it's often the case that some ladies have had less of a head start than the gents ~ it could also be true
    that those that have got as far as seeking out forums, are already well on their road to creativity, or have been blessed with forging
    their way past the social stereotypes they grew up with.....

    I wasn't offended by your suggestion Dennis but perhaps it's better asked of anyone that's asking for help.
    It seems sensible to request that everyone give us a bit more info when asking for help e.g. how much experience they have,
    what they've already tried, a description of the process taken.

    We've all been there ~ looking at a pile of scrap and feeling that we should be put in the dumb corner
    but thankfully friends like you and the others of this forum (regardless of gender) have made us realise it's
    just one more pile of scrap on the road to getting it right next time!

    Nic xx
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  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Central London


    Thank you, Carole and Nic,
    For the record, two of the women in my family have doctorates in scientific subjects and I could not begin to understand their theses. A third is the author of several textbooks and is writing more. So I have plenty of experience of high powered women. They can also assemble their own flat-packs. But if something needs repairing, or a shower leaks, they sometimes ask me to help. It makes me feel useful. They also loyally wear my jewellery. Kind regards, Dennis.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Men's Brains, Women's Brains
    *link removed ~ site with spam banners*
    Last edited by MuranoSilver; 28-09-2010 at 07:44 AM.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Co Armagh N.Ireland


    My goodness Dennis I've just returned from holiday and you've caused quite a stir ! For the record I am female, late 40's. Have law degree, professional qualifications, I love to sew, knit, bake. I also love woodwork - I make garden furniture. I frame pictures. I have a powertool obsession. However I can admit when I need advice and will ask for it. I appreciate all the advice you have given on the forum and the patient and gentlemanly manner in which it is delivered. I can get annoyed when men underestimate me but then I am delighted when men have "old fashioned" manners. It's a complicated world isn't it.
    By the way Dennis, I've just received notification that the Photoshop Elements course I hoped to attend has been cancelled so I hope you will be posting about your course.
    Regards, Mia

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Two streets from the Tunnocks teacake factory!


    Dennis - you are a sly fox. I think the fact that you named the thread "Starting a Sex War" gives an idea that you were looking stir things up!!

    For myself - I know I'm not great with numbers and technical things. I can have a vision but it sometimes takes me a while to work out the best technical way to do it. However, I don't think that's anything to do with me being a woman. My mind just doesn't work that way while other people's (male and female) do. What I'm not scared of is giving it a go because I usually get there in the end.

    Essentially, I don't agree that giving your gender when asking for advice is useful or relevant. It's about as useful as giving your age, weight, height, relationship status or political preference. However, I would agree that giving some idea of past experience is.

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