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Thread: Silversmithing and Jewellery Making-Hillsborough College

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Silversmithing and Jewellery Making-Hillsborough College

    This is a part-time course at Hillsborough College in Sheffield. The course runs from 630-9, and you have the choice of Mon, Tue or Wed. The course is 16 weeks long.

    This is a great course for people who want to get into actually working with metal. There's no sitting around, reading from text books-this is miles away from Design and Technology at school. You dive straight into making a copper ring after a brief health and safety tutorial, and you have access to a range of quality tools. The course teacher, Sue, is enthusiastic and patient and skilled at her craft.

    You work in copper provided by the college to build up your confidence and skills-each project is open-ended, you learn a new metalworking technique and are free to pursue it, overlapping projects so you always have something to work on. Research is done in your own time, the college prefers you look to natural sources of inspiration rathr than existing jewellery designs from the High treet.

    Already, after six weeks we have covered basic texturing, annealing, soldering, polishing, milling and linking without soldering, repeating patterns and shapes.

    Copper, Brass, Gilding Metal and some Silver can be purchased from the college workshop, but we are encouraged to buy our own a a group (saves postage costs!) and usually Cooksons is reccommended.

    There is a broad range of students in my class, different ages and different backgrounds. The atmoshpere is liely and inspiring and during these Easter holidays Im going to be suffering withdrawal symptoms!

    The course is over £250, but a discount is available if you pay online before the start of the course
    All tools are provided.

    PS Im a part-time student, not a tutor
    Last edited by NatSiddle; 01-04-2010 at 11:53 AM. Reason: more info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hi Nat -

    What's you connection to the college?
    And do you have a sister named Vicky?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Im a student on the course-first time doing anything to do with metalworking, and I DO have a sister called Vicky-she's studying in Hull know her?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I take it from the write-up you're in your element there!

    Haven't met her; there's only a few people in Hull I know these days. Lucky guess

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Im loving it-two and a half hours a week is NOT enough! I could spend my whole week there. We're supposed to have a 15-20 minute break halfway through but so far no-ones ever stopped to take it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by ps_bond View Post
    Hi Nat -

    What's you connection to the college?
    And do you have a sister named Vicky?
    Crikey Peter! Have you tried that chat up line in a club yet?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by geti-titanium View Post
    Crikey Peter! Have you tried that chat up line in a club yet?
    No, but you can use if it you want?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Geti is a man of little words and big tools Peter. the girls are fighting to get into Geti towers, so no chat up lines are required!!
    Hmmm.............. if I only I weren't married already !!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Rotherham S Yorks


    Hi there...first time on the forum and I'm glad to hear of someone on the Hillsborough course. I'm hoping to enrol there this Sept as I've been studying at Barnsley. However,they're having trouble getting a tutor to continue with the evening sessions so I've been left to my own devices since Christmas....desperate to get back into the workshop!....... I've got the tools to work at home but really miss the larger equipment and kitchen table is a makeshift workbench at the moment.
    I've recently returned to silversmithing following the realisation that my kids really don't need me around during the school hols now. I studied silversmithing at art college back in the last century and for whatever reasons you have when you're 19, I never took up my uni place to do my degree!!! Big Mistake! So I'm trying to make up for lost time.

    If there is anyone out ther who will be at Hillsborough in Sept let me's always nice to have a name to look out for when you go somewhere new.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Quinn View Post
    Geti is a man of little words and big tools Peter. the girls are fighting to get into Geti towers, so no chat up lines are required!!
    Hmmm.............. if I only I weren't married already !!
    you cant beat a man with big tools can you Lise and Geti has some of the biggest and most powerful that i have seen !

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