George, do you clean out your barrel and replace the barrelbrite frequently? Do you leave it sitting in the barrel between uses?
George, do you clean out your barrel and replace the barrelbrite frequently? Do you leave it sitting in the barrel between uses?
I'm far too extravagant to reuse my water unless I've just tumbled a finished piece that's easy to fish out. I just dump the lot into a sieve, rinse under warm running water, use a magnet to pull the shot out and put it back in the barrel under clean water. I don't add the barrelbrite until I put the next batch of stuff in to be tumbled though - it seems to go clumpy if you do.
I've never cleaned the barrel itself, and I tumble everything, including glass, heavily oxidised stuff, gemstones and all sorts of metals.
I keep the shot in the barrel with barrelbrite all the time, barrelbrite should stop the shot rusting for far longer than just water. unless you can remove all the air in the water.
Thanks guys. I have tried leaving the barrelbrite and shot in the tumbler, but it went all slimy and disgusting. And so it made me want to wash it out anyway. I have stainless steel shot, so I presume I don't have to worry about rusting at all. I presume that's why you don't worry about leaving yours in water only, George.
We use barrel bright and add a few drops of ammonia. We have as many shapes of stainless shot as we could find in a trommel V1 barreler - rods, tapered pins, round shot, and "flying saucers" which give the best chance of getting in all the nooks and crannies. Always keep the fluid topped up to cover the shot with more water. Add an occasional drop or two of ammonia Just enough to detect the odour. Only when it gets really filthy is the mixture replaced with the shot being well rinsed. Amazing results!
Use washing up liquid and a drop of ammonia in the ultrasonic.