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Thread: I've been a bit quiet lately....

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Masham, North Yorkshire


    So sorry, Di. That must be so hard for both of you.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Cottage View Post
    And I've just discovered that the Judge who has refused my son bail - even though somebody else has been convicted of the crime he was charged with - and that he has been imprisoned for since May - has just given bail to a chap that has molested 4 young girls.

    How does that work then? Only my very best friends knew about this in any detail but I'm so incensed that I have to speak out.
    Oh Di, that's SO unfair.

    I am speechless about how your son has been treated and can't believe what planet that 'Judge' was on, certainly not the same one as me. I thought he'd be home for Xmas by now.

    As for letting out the other guy on bail, well, I know what I'd do to the Judge about that and what I'd do to the guy would involve a long rope, at the very least.

    A HUGE hug and lots of 'it will be OK in the end' thoughts come your way.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands

    Default What on earth is going on?

    Last night after everyone had sent me lots of lovely kind good wishes I went downstairs for a night of relaxation and it ended in one enormous row with my muminlaw. Over a piece of fish! I couldn't believe the tantrums that ensued and comments made. I keep on telling her how lucky she is, she gets fed and watered, all the chores done for her and we work hard, but no its not enough for her. I went to bed - supposedly to sleep and spent half the night tossing and turning thinking about what had been said etc etc. I even tried the 'much used' rescue remedy - but to no avail. Woke up at 5am - now absolutely knackered

    Now I read about Di's awful news which puts everything above into perspective and have just now read an email from a friend who had an accident in her car, bought a replacement and had that stolen after 8 days!

    Bloody hell guys - What on earth is going on here - is this a moon thing or what?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    Well, Jules, it was a full moon yesterday but, to be honest, I think its just that sometimes life's a bitch. And if it wasn't like that then how would we appreciate the good times?

    To be honest, up until a year before he went away my relationship with my son was trying to say the least. As you know, he has Asperger's (autism) and he wasn't always easy to live with. I promise myself I will never forget how precious to me he is - ever again. yeah, he'll come home and he'll pee me off but out of all of this both his dad and me have fallen in love with our son again. And the most wonderful thing is, he has fallen in love with his dad and realised how much he is loved.

    Out of bad stuff and all that.

    And all that stuff about putting things into perspective - listen, when you're going through it it doesn matter what is happening to others, it matters what is happening to you.

    And if you want to know how bad things can get, it's just taken me an hour to put together my new Dyson Ball vacuum cleaner. Its supposed to be a case of three clicks and you're off... don't you believe it.
    Di x

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Oh Di
    I'm so sorry to hear about what has happened to your Son - it all seems so unfair. Really hope it gets sorted soon
    J x

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Oh Di, that is a dreadful situation and I'm sorry that your son won't be at home with your for Christmas, but I hope that the legal system sees some sense soon. It's good to hear that some good may come out of it all in your relationship with your son.

    My son's at home and has some serious mental health problems that have driven me and OH bonkers this year to the point of wanting to strangle him, but at least he's at home, safe, and I can keep an eye on him (just keep the rolling pin out of my hand).

    Roll on 2010 - I want this year over

    I'm hoping for world peace but I'd also like something shiny as well...

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    My son's at home and has some serious mental health problems
    Huge respect, Kym, its not easy is it, much as you love them
    Di x

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    No, it's not Di - I hadn't realised I was capable of such swings in emotion....


    I'm hoping for world peace but I'd also like something shiny as well...


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