Hi all,
I have trawled through all the posts relating to soldering and in theory, I should be able to do it.

In fact, I have managed a few joins with great success, using both the paste and the strip solder. But, my problem is, I cant do it now and I'm tearing my hair out because I thought I'd got it sussed

My torch is fully gassed so no loss of pressure

I've just tried about 9 or 10 different trial go's - I am getting the following happening:

the flux bubbles up, the sterling piece goes black but the solder strip is still solid.

the sterling piece glows red, the flux bubbles and the solder strip goes black, but not stuck.

or, the solder strip balls up into a blob and sits on top of the work,

I've tried getting closer, further away and all variations in between with the flame but still no luck.

With the paste, I am getting it form into a solid dark crumbly lump or bubble and then disappear!

My only thought is maybe my work isnt clean enough ?? if this is the case, how is the best way to clean it ready for soldering please??

Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong - I am just about to throw the whole lot through the window