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Thread: Big fall-out

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Oh Carole, what a horrible situation
    Unfortunately I don't think there's much you can do to prevent people ahem.... taking inspiration from your work and sadly it happens all too often. (think Links 'sweetie' bracelet)
    Having said that, if you are in the same room as this person and there is clear evidence that she is still copying your work then I think that it is perfectly reasonable to approach her in a calm, respectful way and ask her not to do it anymore. If you remain respectful and stick to the facts I think it's possible to say almost anything And as Lisa mentioned before, you've probably made her think twice about copying your work again, already.
    On a slightly different note, it is a sign that your work is so creative and iconic that someone wants to copy it - what a compliment!! On a practical level other people know that she is copying from you and not the other way around so they're not likely to buy from her (take no notice of the organiser - they're not in a position to take sides).
    The only thing I would consider in a proactive sense would be to ensure that all my pieces had a prominant makers mark (maybe you do this already, inwhich case please ignore) to firmly identify your pieces as yours.
    You are head and shoulders above this other person - completely different ballpark. Rise above it & enjoy what you do
    J xx
    (and if all else fails whttgakhitt )

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK


    I can sympathise with you on this especially as this person is geographically close to you. I created a range of rings in Black Zirconium and put them on the internet way before anybody else - I don't know if they had been made before, probably, but I hadn't seen them and it doesn't matter anyway.

    My competitors followed suit perhaps 2 years later with one in Canada claiming to be the first ones ever.

    Black Zirconium - In the pioneering tradition characteristic of our Absolute Design Studios, we are proud to be the world's first jewelry design studios offering on line a line of jewelry designs made of this exotic, unyielding metal,
    Another competitor that I showed my rings to when I started and who said that he didn't think they would sell, now sells them as well with designs very similar to mine - I even spotted one of my images in his printed catalogue!

    The point is, you can't prevent copying, so as Jayne said, you rise above it slightly flattered and confident that your products are better than anybody elses and then make them keep up with you with new designs - invent new ways of doing things that if they are going to copy them, they are going to have to find out how to do it themselves. In the meantime you are working on other ideas.

    What you shouldn't do is knock the opposition - smile sweetly, compliment them on their work and ask them "wherever did you get the inspiration for your designs?" Whilst wearing your own exact design around your neck for all to see.

    Then when nobody is watching whttgakhitt!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    As infuriating as it is to have your designs blatantly copied, I've never understood the drive to not have a website because of it. To sell your items, people need to see them. If people see them (anywhere, even at a fair), you are at risk of having them copied by unscrupulous competitors. It seems to me to be a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face to close your website, though.

    If it were me, though, I'd name and shame her.

    State, boldly, on your site or stand, that you are the original designer of the much imitated design and that people should beware of cheap copies.

    Take a leaf out of Princess Lasertron's book. Her bridal bouquets have been much copied (including by me, though I would never make them to sell) and has stated as much on her etsy page:

    princesslasertron on Etsy

    We were the first to design the famous felt flower bouquets which took the wedding market by storm in 2008.
    or similar.

    If I were you, I'd big up the fact that people are copying you! That's a good thing! It makes yours, the original, more desirable, it really does!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    I agree with Jetlag. Rise above her and keep on producing your wonderful jewellery - but let people know that they are buying jewellery from the original designer maker and not from someone who copies others designs and has no imagination.

    Knock 'em dead Carole


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Set a trap. Make up some really horrible designs that you would never have any intention of really selling and let her see them, then if she does something similar everyone will know...

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Oh carole what a horrible thing to discover. I'd be sooo angry if someone copied my work to sell!

    Maybe this business link article will be of use:

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    East Lancashire


    I think copyright infringement might be a tricky one to take any further for jewellery as 'designs' are not as easy to quantify as a specific piece of art, writing, music or photography etc.

    There was a test case in the US a few years ago (and I've seen it cited as a precedent several times - although it was clearly US, not UK) where a jeweller tried to sue someone for copying a jewelled bee brooch and the courts decided that anyone could have come up with 'a substantially similar' design, a bee encrusted with jewels wasn't unique enough.

    Hang on, I read the court papers a while ago, see if I can find it . . .

    This is the chappie: HERBERT ROSENTHAL JEWELRY CORP., Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Edward and Lucy KALPAKIAN, etc., Defendants-Appellees. - Altlaw

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    It must be the most horrible thing to go through, I'm sure if it had happened to me the the dragon would definately be breathing fire.

    I'm betting it will play on your mind for a little while, passionate people find it harder to let the bad things go, but as someone who loves working in silver take the silver lining out of the of the situation. Your work will evolve and grow and continue to delight people long after this person's 'creative' talents have been exhausted.

    I find your work inspirational, your advice is always apreciated and you have a wicked sense of humour .. and I bet she can't match you on that either.

    Superior disdain is the order of the day .. you're better than her and she knows it.
    Annie xXx

    All things are possible - if you look at them the right way!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Wexford Ireland


    Your jewellery is gorgeous xx.... If she is blatantly copying you then that is so so horrible, I think your style is rather unique and she can never take that from you,,,, but how frustrating... Do you have any thing on your website where you can track what people are coming on to your site ?? Maybe if she thought that you knew every time she went on to your site then she might stop ,,,, I have live feed on my blog and google analytics on my website,,, while i don't know who is on my site, i do know where they they are from... and you will see how frequently she vists !! xx

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Thank you everyone for your support. It's much appreciated. Onwards and upwards! It's not helped by the fact that I had a totally crap weekend at the craft fair. I don't know how she did but no-one around me had much success.
    Strange really, as 2 weeks ago I had a fantastic weekend. I wonder if it's the announcement that we're still in recession?


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