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Thread: Big fall-out

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Oh Carole, I was wondering how you had got on today and whether THAT woman had caused you any more grief - I hope she hasn't and maybe she will just quietly go away. Its a real shame that you also had a crap weekend on the sales front, but as we get closer to Christmas I'm sure things will pick up. As many othes have said on here, you and your work are inspirational and she hasn't got a patch on you - so don't let her play on your mind.

    If the whole situation still bugs you, then get out your rolling pin and bash some pillows or if all else fails, get the wine out.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Carole......? Don't hate me for this and I promise I'm not gonna copy anything of yours but can I be really cheeky and ask how you print and paint your aluminium? Do you use regular paint or do you do it with magic?

    Realises this probably isn't the best thread to ask in, but meh, don't ask, don't get

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    It's magic Coco.

    No, really it's specialist aluminium inks and dyes. Try GSM Industrial graphics. They're really expensive to buy though. Each colour of ink is about £40 and you'll need at least all the primary colours. Non primaries are about £120.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    So sorry to hear that you have had a poor couple of days, I hope that this woman was looking suitably sheepish today to make you feel as superior as we all know you are.

    I am sure sales will pick up once we get nearer Christmas, so I wouldn't be too concerned yet, I don't know anyone who is seriously thinking about Christmas yet, so I am sure that it will pick up ( says the hopeful lady who has 5 events booked in an approx 3 week time slot between Nov and mid Dec!!)

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jetlag View Post
    As infuriating as it is to have your designs blatantly copied, I've never understood the drive to not have a website because of it. To sell your items, people need to see them. If people see them (anywhere, even at a fair), you are at risk of having them copied by unscrupulous competitors. It seems to me to be a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face to close your website, though.

    If it were me, though, I'd name and shame her.

    State, boldly, on your site or stand, that you are the original designer of the much imitated design and that people should beware of cheap copies.

    Take a leaf out of Princess Lasertron's book. Her bridal bouquets have been much copied (including by me, though I would never make them to sell) and has stated as much on her etsy page:

    princesslasertron on Etsy

    or similar.

    If I were you, I'd big up the fact that people are copying you! That's a good thing! It makes yours, the original, more desirable, it really does!

    Sorry to disappoint but the idea of using fabric for wedding bouquets is not new. My husbands cousin is a florist in Tanzania and in 1984 whilst on holiday there I spent a lot of time in her shop. At that time Tanzania was in a dreadful state with shortages for just about everything but people still got married and she would make beautiful bouquets out of fabrics and waste material. It's not a new idea just new in the Western world.

    The way I see it there is very little that is different that you can do to a bangle (which has been around since people started playing with metal) that is totally new - so what constitutes a copy? A plain bangle is a plain bangle. A bangle with a charm on is... a bangle with a charm on. Unless you design something like a new fastening no one has ever seen before or physically moulded and created a design, its not new. My sister who is a lawyer was explaining this to me today and I'm not doing a good job of relaying it but intellectual copyright is more complex than something looking similar to yours.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I agree that a bangle is a bangle and an anticlastic bangle is an anticlastic bangle but this person has copied a lot of my designs and that can't be coincidence. If it was just one or two things I wouldn't be so concerned.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Carole, i have been sat here for two days wondering what i would do, i think you approaching her in the first place was a very brave thing to do and maybe it will make her think twice about what she is doing i think i would get some of my friends to stand by her stall every know and again and exclaim how alike they are to Carole Annes designs who has actually being doing them for a few years know if nothing else it will put the wind up her lol. Hope you have a better day tomorrowx

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    The other thing my sister said was that whenever you come up with a new design - take a photo of it, date it and post it back to yourself and do not open it - that would be your proof it was yours. If you have already put it 'out there' for others to see then you can't do that but do it for anything new you create to be on the safe side.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by geti-titanium View Post
    Crikey! Is there an emoticon of a little smiley face spurting out and nearly choking on a cup of tea!

    I think that's topped anything I've ever come out with and has to go down as the best expression in forum history - we can even use it as a new acronym,
    'whttgakhitt!' - everyone say "aye"
    Hear hear!! aye
    Regards Christine

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by caroleallen View Post
    Thank you everyone for your support. It's much appreciated. Onwards and upwards! It's not helped by the fact that I had a totally crap weekend at the craft fair. I don't know how she did but no-one around me had much success.
    Strange really, as 2 weeks ago I had a fantastic weekend. I wonder if it's the announcement that we're still in recession?

    It can only get better and I am sure your product is superior quality to hers. How awful for you. Still keep smiling and knock em dead with your fantastic designs.
    Regards Christine


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