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Thread: Membership Party

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Smile Membership Party

    Wow we are now up to 890 members, doesn't time fly. It won't be long now until we hit the magic 1,000 mark. I think we should do something to celebrate our fab forum, so what do you all think?.

    Maybe we could decide on something and co-ordinate it so we all celebrate by doing it at the same time ( I realise that Geti and Jason will probably have a field day with that last comment). Or maybe we could do something really special like each make a small component and then put it all together as a necklace and auction it off for charity. I don't know if that would actually work or would be popular but it gets the ideas going.

    Come on people, we love our forum & we always look after each other so lets celebrate what a good thing we have.
    Annie xXx

    All things are possible - if you look at them the right way!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Only 76 shopping days to Christmas

    What about a Birmingham based christmas p*ss up?

    Isn't that what we do at that time of year?

    But yes, I would be happy to contribute to whatever the charitable side of this thought results in

    Count me in


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon View Post
    Wow we are now up to 890 members, doesn't time fly. It won't be long now until we hit the magic 1,000 mark. I think we should do something to celebrate our fab forum, so what do you all think?.

    Maybe we could decide on something and co-ordinate it so we all celebrate by doing it at the same time ( I realise that Geti and Jason will probably have a field day with that last comment). Or maybe we could do something really special like each make a small component and then put it all together as a necklace and auction it off for charity. I don't know if that would actually work or would be popular but it gets the ideas going.

    Come on people, we love our forum & we always look after each other so lets celebrate what a good thing we have.
    I thought I'd put this at the top of the thread today, as it was originally posted at the (very quiet) weekend and wonder what you guys think of The Dragons suggestion ???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Children in Need is on 20th November. If we all contributed out dangly bits (or 'small components' if you prefer) which, as you suggest Annie, could be made up into bracelets, necklaces...whatever. Perhaps Cooksons could be encouraged to advertise an auction to their enormous database...all proceeds going to Children in Need... I hate to think of the logistics though...I'm no good at that sort of thing! I'd be happy to contribute my dangly bits to any good cause though!!

    Thinking about it....if Cookies can do draws for Red Letter Days and they like they must be set up for doing this sort of thing.....or am I barking up the wrong tree here?? It would be good advertising for them too as the loving, caring, bullion supplier!!!
    Last edited by Solunar Silver Studio; 12-10-2009 at 04:50 PM. Reason: Added afterthought!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Please post a response

    I wonder if we could prevail upon our moderators to test the waters with Cookson's to see what they think - it is their forum after all.

    I just like the idea of celebrating what a brilliant forum we have, I also think this might be something everyone can contribute to, I think even the members who are just starting would be able to make a simple wire wrapped bead.

    I know that this suggestion may not sit comfortably with some members, I tend to be a bit gung-ho with my suggestions and don't always see the full picture.

    I really would like the other members to think seriously about the original reason I suggested it in the first place. Our forum is growing rapidly and becoming and essential tool for exchanging knowledge and information, offering support for all levels of expertise, and letting people who often feel like they are working in isolation be part of a family that understands what they are going through. So please let us know what you think, even if you hate the idea (especially if you hate the idea), this is what this forum is about so don't be shy.
    Annie xXx

    All things are possible - if you look at them the right way!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    Like Bee, I'm not very good at logistics. But I'm up for doing something along these lines.

    Di x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Rushden, Northamptonshire


    Sounds like fun - it would be interesting to see if all the components we produce can be connected together.

    I'm in for a small something.

    Feel the fear, and do it anyway!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    OK, my thoughts probably won't be very popular, but I'll voice them anyway.

    On the membership thing, we may have nearly 900 registered members, but how many are actually active? Around 200. I don't think that's a huge amount to shout about I'm afraid. The membership list hasn't been pruned (as far as I can see) since the board's inception, and as a result there are pages and pages of people who've registered and never been back.

    However, I'm not against having an excuse for a celebration.

    On the charity thing, I'm quite happy to be involved in something on the board, though prefer to do so anonymously (I already do a lot of charity work, and get asked to do more all the time). I think any fundraising by the board should be kept on the board though. I don't believe it's Cookson's place to be advertising anything like this, especially knowing that (from experience in other places) things can sometimes go wrong, people can end up feeling let down, and feelings can be hurt. And the buck has to stop somewhere. If I'm honest, I think a raffle can work better, with anyone who wants to join in able to buy as many tickets as they wish, until a set number is sold out of course! That way, you're guaranteed a reasonable sum to give to the charity concerned, and nobody's feelings get hurt. It can be done either via paypal if a mod (or someone) is happy to organise, or using a site like just, so the gift aid element gets added in as well.

    I'd also add that if the idea is to make a collaborative piece, which can be lovely, it's worth setting some fairly strict guidelines right from the start. I've seen some real horrors produced where this hasn't been done, and particularly where the end result has been put together by somebody who hasn't necessarily had a lot of experience with design.

    I always seem to be the raincloud that turns up at every parade, and I'm really not a half empty glass kind of person, but have been involved in stuff like this for a very long time, and have run into most of the potential pitfalls sooner or later!
    Last edited by mizgeorge; 12-10-2009 at 10:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    George, you're not the rain cloud - you're the shaft of sunlight that illuminates the potential pitfalls.

    Boy, that was a good 'un eh?
    Di x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Thanks George, that's exactly what I was tying to get people to do. My opinion is only 1/200th of (if I can use your figure) the forum and I'm a great believer of everybody having a say even if it gets a bit lively at times.

    Everything you have said makes sense and people need to consider it before we make a decision.
    Annie xXx

    All things are possible - if you look at them the right way!

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