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Thread: Hello From Sheffield

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Default Hello From Sheffield

    Hi, I first became interested in silversmithing in my teens and did some ad-hoc training way back then, before setting it to one side to pursue a 'proper' career, family etc.

    I never wandered far from my desire to work with metal, and gradually drifted back to doing something about it, completing a silversmithing course just as COVID started. It was good timing I guess, because I then spend two years hunkered down in my workshop, learning and relearning skills.

    My day job is being a freelance writer, which I love, but over the last 12 months, I've shifted to being a writer for half the time, and a silversmith for the other half. I sell a few pieces online, but most of my jewellery-related income comes from craft fairs and makers markets.

    Anyway, that's my bit of background! I've enjoyed these pages for years now, so I'm looking forward to interacting with the forum.

    Hope everyone's enjoying a good holiday/festive/midwinter period.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2021



    I also got into silversmithing more seriously during covid. Well had to pass the time somehow...


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