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Thread: Spammers and timewasters

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by CJ57 View Post
    Is that something only you can do?
    The IP address? I think it's a mod/admin function only. But I always look at new posters.
    Noting that IP geolocation isn't always correct; it usually manages the correct country though.
    Last edited by ps_bond; 05-09-2021 at 08:29 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ps_bond View Post
    The IP address? I think it's a mod/admin function only. But I always look at new posters.
    Noting that IP geolocation isn't always correct; it usually manages the correct country though.
    So what was the point of the Cartier post? It’s so much easier to check on the many dodgy emails I get by clicking on the sender and seeing what their actual address is.There are an incredible amount of scams going on there for all sorts of reasons but I can never really work out why you’d want to do it on here especially if it’s just time wasting

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2021


    I've been here a millisecond so maybe I have a differing perspective but is there a reason these posts aren't taken at face value?

    Using the Cartier necklace post as an example it could be that the poster is an active viewer, genuinely wants to know if something they are approaching, or considering approaching is possible and would like the thoughts of the experienced artists here. That is one of the reasons the forums subcategory exists isn't it?

    Due to the fact there are a lot of very skilled artists here, it can be quite intimidating to even present yourself.
    From an outsiders perspective, the forums can be seen to be quite insular. Having your intentions promptly put in question just exacerbates this.

    There is a wealth of experience and information to be shared here which is something you should all be proud of.
    Despite having what could be no other similarities, it would seem that every person here has a shared interest and a desire to better their craft.
    Which I hope is never seen as a waste of time.

  4. #14
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    Manchester UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Rotsco View Post
    I've been here a millisecond so maybe I have a differing perspective but is there a reason these posts aren't taken at face value?

    Using the Cartier necklace post as an example
    I agree with your comment but I will add that I think you get a feel for what posts are genuine and which are spam after been here a while. The average post is not usually about ripping off a $73,000 necklace and I doubt if your were in a position to make this for a customer you would not be asking on a forum how to make it. I think people are willing to share and help but they don't want to feel they are wasting their time. I could be wrong and it could be a genuine post and If it is I'm sorry for been defensive. I think its made by machine and you would need special tooling for it then assembled by hand possibly either way it would be a night mare to do !!

  5. #15
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    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by josef1 View Post
    I agree with your comment but I will add that I think you get a feel for what posts are genuine and which are spam after been here a while. The average post is not usually about ripping off a $73,000 necklace and I doubt if your were in a position to make this for a customer you would not be asking on a forum how to make it. I think people are willing to share and help but they don't want to feel they are wasting their time. I could be wrong and it could be a genuine post and If it is I'm sorry for been defensive. I think its made by machine and you would need special tooling for it then assembled by hand possibly either way it would be a night mare to do !!
    I agree with you Joseph. When you've been on here a few years you get to feel who is genuine and who is a time waster. If posters were genuine, then they should introduce themselves, rather than jumping in with 'can you help me with this' blah blah. That's the point at which I switch off, log out and do something else!

  6. #16
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    Feb 2011


    As I feel that the criticism about the Cartier post was aimed at me then I would like to point out that the original post said the customer wanted one as per the photos. It said that the pendant was no problem and as it was a large topaz surrounded by diamonds it was probably a project way above most of our capabilities and I wanted to congratulate them on their skill. If the skill level was of that standard I wondered why help was needed in making the collar. An idea of the budget given the price of the original would also have been of interest and I still say it is illegal to copy a Cartier and who could afford the outlay.
    We are in the main really happy to offer advice where we can if it’s realistic. We do so with good humour and patience but we also have other things to do. An evasion of answers to specific questions from any of us is usually a sign that we have to get back to our own lives. If you think we are hard then you should try some of the professional jewellery forums on FB and you would have been sent away with a very rude flea in your ear because some of them take no prisoners.
    Not much else to say on this, it’s been a very long lockdown!

  7. #17
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    Mar 2021


    I apologise if I've caused any offence in any way, or seemed ungrateful.
    Truth told it's been a trying year for a lot of people, and I'm seeing more and more people reach out online for some sense of community or connection.
    Chalk my comments up to misguided concern.

  8. #18
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by CJ57 View Post
    ...the customer wanted one as per the photos. It said that the pendant was no problem and as it was a large topaz surrounded by diamonds...
    I've had a few of those too. "I want a 1ct diamond in platinum, with diamonds all over it and my budget is £300".

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ps_bond View Post
    I've had a few of those too. "I want a 1ct diamond in platinum, with diamonds all over it and my budget is £300".
    Given the original was £73k I would have been interested in the budget for a remake

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Re spammers - case in point this morning:

    6 posts in 10 mins ish.
    Posting on years-old threads.
    No additional content in any posts.
    IP address tallies with frequent offenders.


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