Thanks experts for your time.

Ok I think I have been using it all wrong. I've just left the new (years ago) steel shot in my barrel with 10g of barrel brite and water for years! The liquid has turned brown since then and I didn't think anything of it. I just rinse it out every so often and then add water for 3/4 of the barrel and then 10g of barrel brite. Is this ok? I only occasionally polish with it and it works fine. Can i just carry on doing this? or should I drastically change for some reason? I have read a few posts and they are worried the steel shot is greasy etc and rust in the water.. My shot looks fine, no rust, but the water is rusty (I suppose the barrel brite is working?) Should I change my method? I'm either doing something terribly wrong or it's fine, I have no idea. Please advise!