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Thread: Jig Ideas/Bending Brass Sheets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Question Jig Ideas/Bending Brass Sheets


    I'm in need of a little help from someone with more experience please! I'm looking to make two types of brass headband bases, one a normal headband shape and the other more like a tiara, bending the metal on a different axis to the normal shape. I've attached a terrible drawing in an attempt to explain myself a bit better! Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Headband profiles JPG.jpg 
Views:	6 
Size:	39.4 KB 
ID:	12586

    Does anyone have any ideas for the best/cheapest way to do that please? I'm considering a heavier metal pipe in the right diameter (around 12cm) to hammer them both over, just along different directions, but is that really the best way (also I don't want a hammered finish...I need them to be smooth, so this is definitely not ideal!)? I've also been looking at a variety of bending equipment but I can't work out how I'd do the tiara version using them.

    All ideas greatly appreciated! Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Once annealed, brass is soft enough to bend by hand, but springs back slightly. Look in your kitchen for a utensil of a suitable size. possibly an upside down saucepan. Dennis.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    I'd not thought of looking closer to home, thank you! Much appreciated.

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