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Thread: Magic Engraver End Mill help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Default Magic Engraver End Mill help!

    Hi! Does anyone use a magic engraver? I have the Magic F30 machine which is an engraving/cutting machine and its been brilliant so far. However I find the end mills snap too often. I'm using them to cut through metals and I use the 0.6mm end mill. I wanted to use a smaller end mill but I haven't found one strong enough to cut through metal without breaking - the 0.4mm end mill from magic just breaks as soon as it touches the metal. I'm cutting through 0.7mm thick sterling silver.

    My question is if anyone uses a magic machine are there are any alternative end mills that can be used with the machine that you think are better? Im mainly looking for a replacement as the magic end mills are around £37 each and its getting quite pricey having to replace them so often and it seems a lot of money for just an end mill. But I'm not expert so maybe this is standard price for these type of things. This is the link to the end mill I currently use

    Any help would be great!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    I can not comment on that particular machine, in general many factors come into play such as, speed, depth of cut, cutter material, cutter point geometry, speed of travel, material being being cut, sharpness of the cutter many, times it is a case of customising your operation to suit I have a friend who makes name plates for a living, the info that came with her very expensive machine, state that it is a guide only and individual operations may may have to be adjusted to suit, the cutters she uses are $76AUD a piece, it is not uncommon for her to brake cutters.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Manchester UK


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