Quote Originally Posted by Sheen View Post
I think that with social media you need to find your tribe. So on instagram you need to follow people who would be interested in your style and comment on their posts. I also can't recommend highly enough following as many folk in your local area as possible, they're likely to follow you back and people love to buy from someone in their home town.

Also in answer to Nick, yes you can have a jewellery range, that is often the most recommended way, but I see quite a few successful jewellers who make anything they fancy and still do really well, because they have a following.
I don’t want a tribe to be honest and I don’t follow other jewellers if I can help it due to the fact I’m never anywhere therefore don’t want other designs sticking somewhere in my brain cells. I used to get the occasional ‘I’ll follow you if you follow me on my fb page that’s the deal’. Eh no I’ll follow you if I like your work and for no other reason. If you like me follow me otherwise I really don’t care. Although I didn’t say that! Also had if you sell things under £50 I’ll share on my shop page which was mostly fair trade but it had thousands of followers:/ My fb is supposed to be linked to my Instagram page and it’s really quite enough of a waste of time. Given the limited energy I actually have to make anything I only feel the need to really put it out there when I have a new collection to show or an event I’m taking part in.