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Thread: Evil parents....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Evil parents....

    ....Trying to stifle my creativity!

    Last night I had this idea out of the blue so I started on it while I was in the mood. A few minutes in I hear a plaintive *Cocooooo* what's that clicking? Then I start drilling. Drilling's taking ages so I give up and go downstairs.

    Evil mother: So you've finished have you?

    Me: For now

    Evil mother: It's late

    Me: It's not even 11!

    Evil mother: It's still late. You have the neighbours to think of

    These would be the same neighbours whose brats rarely stop screaming and whose builders took months and months and months waking me up at stupid o'clock and being so distracting during the day I couldn't concentrate on anything. Why should I consider them?

    Some people!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    Oh, Coco, I'm so glad I'm a grown up and my days of 'pleasing' my parents are decades behind me. I can vaguely remember it all though - hated it.
    Di x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    That's the annoying thing though, my parents - especially my mum are usually really cool and just let me do what I want. Obviously they warned me of the dangers of talking to strangers and running while holding knives but lately they seem to be turning very.....

    I don't wanna say it!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    PMSL, Coco - my baby bro (who is now well into his 40's) and me have both been feeling a little 'restricted' recently. We have coined the phrase that we 'want to run with scissors' again - says it all, I think.

    Running with scissors is good (till you have your eye out, of course).
    Di x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Market Deeping


    Maybe you could use an unguarded band saw to slice off the scissors steel tips
    then grind the blades down (sans goggles) looking carefully at the pretty sparkles...
    Running with just the handles is much safer no??
    Nic xx
    On second thoughts don't do any of the above, it's very very dangerous
    (my mum just told me!)
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