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Thread: Today was supposed to be a day off grrrr

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    To early to tell Jules! Doctors appt at 10 so I just sat and vegged in front of Jeremy Kyle until then. Just got home from town - I have a commission for 'haematite and hearts.' Now, I don't tend to do hearts in my stuff, so I went to the local bead shop to see what they have. Not much

    Now off for coffee and to start work. I have my fingers crossed for a better day.

    Di x

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    I'll be crossing my fingers for you - I'm sure you'll be fine

    keep your pecker up

    Jules x

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    lol at all the bird related disaters!

    I rememeber when I was about 15 being at my Grandparents and a pidgeon getting in and attacking my Gran's head! No idea why, me and my Grandad were there too. Grandad, was just having hysterics so I ended up grabbing the washing up bowl of all things and literally scooping the pidgeon back out of the window. I have to admit I was giggling too though, and my Gran was Ok, althougha bit shocked, she had a bit of a delicate disposition!

    Of my 4 cats one likes to drag things through the cat flap too, though never a bird, though I got lots of baby rabbits were I used to live!

    I'm sure it's not moon related but I am holed up in my place with suspected swine flu at the moment, although it's probably not, but I guess you can't take the risk. What's annoying is I reckon I caught it last Fri, the first time I'd been out in 2 weeks, as I have been a bit of a hermit for fear of stuffing up this darn diet if I go out and run in to temptation (I don't think I have such strong will power as Su)! Friday went a bit wrong when the biyfirnd fainted on me! Turns out the twit hadn't eaten all day, and we'd been to see a band and had been jumpring aournd like fools at the front. This resulted in me taking him to get food and watching him eat it, grr that was painful!

    Anyway thought the flu wasn't too bad, but got my Tamiflu anyway, which causes me to projectile vomit it seems so that's not much use. By the end of yesterday had full on fever, today I am better, but don't seem to be able to stand up at the moment!

    Hoping I am better by sun, as I am booked on Nic's PMC course, and I don't want to miss it

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I've been in floods of tears reading this thread this morning... The service engineer is here doing the central heating boiler...which is now in bits on the kitchen floor....but you know how it silly you feel when you laugh out loud at a computer screen in public. I was sipping my tea and reading quietly until I came to Jo's bit and then the dam began to break. The more I tried to hold it in and the more I read, the more I was wobbling up and down silently in my seat... and then I got to Boo's contribution and the tears started!! I keep picturing it all in my head and I feel it welling up inside me again!! I have only let out a couple of whimpers so far and I don't think he has noticed....but now I need a tissue!!!!
    I may be all red eyed, snivelling and weeping but it has done me a world of good!!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    Oh, poor 44! I had the swine flu back along and, to be honest, didn't bother with the TAmiflu - its still in the cupboard! Its only Tuesday, so you should be better in time for Nic's class.

    My cat, Floozie, seems to be very partial to shrews, which he brings in through the bedroom window while we're sleeping. It can be a bit disconcerting. He makes such a habit of it that, after finding a three legged shrew by the chest of drawers, I wrote a poem about it.

    The thought of you bashing your gran over the head with the washing up bowl had me laughing out loud. Your family sounds very similar to my own...
    Di x

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hehe yeah, the pidgeon thing was very surreal!

    My hunter cat has been partial to shrews in the past too, I remember one night opening the front door and stepping in to my hall with the light off and standing on something and skidding about a metre forward, like I was skating. Turned the light on and found a very, very flat shrew!

    Thanks Di, yeah I am hoping to be better by Sunday, I am much better today than yesterday evening, so fingers crossed!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Hope you feel better soon Agent 44 that flat shrew had me laughing you all remind me why i dont have pets, my friend was complaing of a bad smell in here house and her house is immaculate i mean immaculate and i was very suprised when she had a cat, it keeps bringing in rats and the smell was one decomposing behind the curtains yuck.

    Barbara you had me worried i thought you where crying cos we had made you sad not because you where laughing lol

    Anyway to add to all the woes i have just had to pick my little girl up from school cos she is feeling sick dont think i can blame that on the moon

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Poor Lucinda...if it is anything like what I had a couple of weeks ago (never confirmed as anything because I don't 'do' doctors!!) left me feeling very delicate...and I am still not quite right in the head!! I had a couple of days where I could barely move because I was just so weak...and I had a dreadful headache and a cough. Then I slept for the best part of 2 days! Had what felt like a hang over for 3 or 4 days which has pretty much gone now although I still get dizzy if bend over or move too quickly. Fortunately none of my family seem to have got it...though I have no idea what the incubation period might be!!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Better keep this thread going girls... The man has just condemned my boiler!! News I recieved with a silly grin on my face and moist eyes. He is contacting the landlord now to see whether he can fit a new boiler...but until negotiations are ended I have the prospect of no hot water for the forseeable future!!! Just as well it is not the depths of winter or I would be freezing too!!

    Flat shrews have renewed my flagging spirits though!! Keep it up!!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Oh dear. What a week everyone's having.

    Lucinda, I feel for you. I've just got a stinker of a cold, and that's bad enough. I hope they let me into the hospital for fracture clinic this afternoon.

    B - your poor old boiler (I said YOUR). Hope they can get a new one in quickly. No hot water is miserable. At least it's not freezing cold yet. I lived in Moscow for a couple of years, where all heating and hot water is centrally controlled and provided. Every year, every property gets the whole lot turned off for a month, supposedly for maintenance, but in reality as a money-saving exercise. Our month was May, when it was still snowing heavily, and nobody had warned us. It got so bad, I ended up flying to London for a hot shower and a weekend in a warm bed The next year we had an electric water heater fitted.

    I'm so glad my old cat's turned into a cushion and wouldn't know a shrew if it got up and waved at her.

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